Itinerary Check: 10 days Tokyo/Kyoto/Osaka

Hi everybody – long time lurker first time poster. I’m going to be in Japan for the first time from 28th August-7th September. 26M, travelling solo – I’ve deliberately kept my itinerary a little loose because I like to leave plenty of time for just walking around and exploring – particularly in the evenings. Looking to see if this is a reasonable amount of things to do in the time, if there are any big misses or things I shouldn’t bother with. Mostly going for food, art, history etc. Have JR pass starting from September 1st to cover travel after first stint in Tokyo. Not super experienced with travel so any feedback appreciated!


DAY 1 (Aug 28): Arrive Narita airport 5:00pm. Skyliner into Tokyo, check into hostel (around Taito) around 7-8. Dinner, sleep (10 hour flight so will be burned)

DAY 2 (Aug 29):

* Look around area, breakfast nearby.
* Train to Yokohama
* Cup Noodle Museum
* Kirin Beer factory
* Sankeien Garden (time permitting)

DAY 3 (Aug 30):

* Mori art museum (booked for 10:00am)
* Tokyo City view (if weather is nice)
* Look around Minato
* Subway to Mitaka, Ghibli museum (booked for 4:00pm)

DAY 4 (Aug 31):

* Senso-Ji
* Tokyo National Museum
* Shibuya (shopping, food)

DAY 5 (Sep 1):

* Travel to Kyoto (JR Pass) morning.
* Check into Kyoto hostel
* Nijo Castle
* Potochno Alley

DAY 6 (Sep 2):

* Kurama/Hibune day trip. Kurama mountain shrine walk
* Hirobun

(this day is weather dependent, will switch with next day if bad weather)

DAY 7 (Sep 3):

* Kiyomizu-Dera (early) and surrounding area wandering
* Kyoto national museum

DAY 8 (Sep 4):

* Morning in Kyoto – Nishiko Market
* Travel to Osaka midday-afternoon
* Check into hostel
* Meet up with a family member based in Osaka for dinner

DAY 9 (Sep 5):

* Day trip to Himeji/Hiroshima
* Himeji Castle
* Hiroshima Peace Museum + gardens

(N.B., if timing is tight, will cut Himeji and spend full day in Hiroshima)

DAY 10 (Sep 6):

* Morning to Kobe – Hamafukusturu Sake Brewery
* Teppanyaki somewhere
* Evening in Osaka, rest.

DAY 11 (Sep 7):

* Shinkansen back to Narita for 6:00pm flight

That’s sort of where I am at the moment – thanks in advance for any thought!

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