How to setup amazon account? (I cant seem to know my prefecture lol)

This might be rather silly but i have no Idea why i cant find Ota-Ku under the prefecture listings. Also general the adresses confuse me. Does amazon have problems if i type my adress in romaji?

  1. 東京都大田区「Insert Neighborhood Here」〇〇丁目〇〇番〇〇号 「Insert Apartment Here」

    This will be your address.

  2. Ota-ku is Ota ward (大田区), it’s not a prefecture. Your prefecture is Tokyo-to (東京都).

  3. I set mine 5 years ago, i only set the Zip-post number. And amazon know i am in Nagano

  4. Time to study japan geography before any disasters happen or you lost your way.

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