Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (August 07, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. I know mindlessly grinding anki without immersion and other things is about the worst thing I can do but I plan to do anki for about 500 words in my 2k/6k deck and then jump into reading and stuff along with it so im not tripping over literally every word. Was wondering if this was a good way to go about things

  2. If I said


    Would that be taken literally as outside Japan, word manga = only japanese comics, word anime = only japanese anime, or would it be taken as the words anime and manga both mean both animation and comics? I have an oral tomorrow and I’m trying to convey that without breaking it into two basically identical sentences to not waste 20 of my 240 seconds but can’t tell if that sounds wrong or not

  3. > どう? 田村先生初めての担任1日目は

    If I’m understanding this right, it seems like both 初めて and 1日目 both express first-ness. I’m pretty sure it’s not literally wrong, but is this a “normal” way you’d say this?

  4. Hey, all. Finished Genki 1 not too long ago and am now working through the back of the textbook and workbook where they focus on Kanji. Is there a better way to start tackling kanji? I’ve heard a lot about WaniKani. Is that the best/a good route to take to start learning Kanji?

    Even just some advice on how best to approach this *very* daunting writing system would be awesome. Thank you!

  5. When saying “oops my bad” I was told by one native that its simply 私 の 悪い. Most of the time nobody ever corrects me but every now and again someone will correct me and say 私 が 悪い
    is what I want to say instead. Which is correct? Since two sides of answers are from natives idk which is best lol

  6. Is this story using incorrect grammar? It says:



    Can you explain what 思おもわない means? I thought we don’t use the negative form of omou.

  7. I use baby Japanese and the situation is I’m trying to get advice on currency, financial markets, how to save, how to spend – all these interesting finance bits – from a JP teacher during class. but I’m looking for routes to start. my initial thought is to read JP finance news, but I’m not sure which ones are the credible sources, and if possible, if they have their own bilingual editions. in a way, I’m trying to look for a recommendation on finance news in the country and in its language.

    does my situation make sense? if so, any advice would help. my first question to my JP teacher would be along things like, what are her thoughts about a particular company stock, Nintendo, Toyota, Itochu, Amazon, Apple? how would she make investments both inside and outside of JP?

  8. Is chatGPT good enough in answering questions about Japanese? I would hate to learn AI hallucinations as facts, but it does seem good at explaining.

  9. So i recently started learning japanese and am done with hiragana and katakana. I know that i should now start basic kanji but i’m thinking that it can be done later coz now my priority is understanding convo for which the grammar and vocab is important. So can you guys suggest youtube videos, ebooks or sites to learn these?(especially the grammar) I don’t have money for the genki textbooks and stuff 🙂

  10. Just a random thought.

    I had a reply from a non-native who think 数日 means 4-6 days based on a dictionary web site that says so.

    My native guts feeling tells me it’s 2-3 days. Interested. I researched this matter a bit and it turns out 4-6 days was indeed a common understanding before. 2002 survey shows people of 60s or later mostly answered 4-6 days while younger generation answered shorter numbers.

  11. As far as I know, in normal everyday conversation, you don’t actually use any word for “you”, but you simply address people by their name or title. If you don’t know either, then using あなた is a safe bet, but even then you wouldn’t use it that much.

    However, in many anime shows, I notice お前 is being used a lot. As far as I know, if you were to go around and address everyone like that, it would come off as weird. Why then is it used so much in anime? The last series I watched was 花咲くいろは, which is just a typical slice-of-life, coming-of-age story, so the context is just everday conversation.

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