21-time winner Nihon University’s American football team suspended and student arrested for alleged possession of 0.019 gram of cannabis

21-time winner Nihon University’s American football team suspended and student arrested for alleged possession of 0.019 gram of cannabis


  1. I was interested and looked up the average gram in a brunt. One source ranged it from 0.66-0.43g. At the lowest level, bro was arrested for 5% of a blunt

  2. Wow. Well Japan is just that much safety now that that hardened criminal is now off the streets, no longer harming innocent people.


  3. I bought a pre-rolled joint at a dispensary in California a few months back for $4 that had 3 times that amount in it

  4. This is just ridiculous. So they waste hours and manpower to arrest someone who had a microscopic amount of softdrugs to make apoint? What a fucking waste of resources. Fucking bullshit attitude.

  5. i am now imagining a mini-test kit made for like barbie dolls or something, but you got like a detective with gloves and a mask on handling it like it’s plutonium lol

  6. Fuck old people. This is what we get.

    Whenever I see videos from Thailand I get so fucking depressed about here.

  7. Don’t the Japanese police have actual real crimes/cases to investigate and solve??…

  8. And the Japanese wonder why foreign highly skilled professionals don’t want to come to and settle/work in Japan.

  9. Pro cannabis crowd feeling butthurt in a country where not only cannabis is illegal, but the majority of the population think justifiably so. But it is illegal in Japan. They broke the law they face the consequences. Not just the prison sentence but the blemish to their record which is arguably worse.

    Legalising cannabis is not going to change people’s perceptions overnight.

    I’m not against cannabis but what did you expect?

  10. Imagine living in one of the greatest cities in the world and throwing it all away because you got brainwashed by celebs and musicians that weed is cool. (and yes it should be legalized ww but until it is just enjoy Japan, not smoking weed isn’t going to kill you.)

  11. “0.198 grams of the illicit stimulant” How many of you saw this article properly?

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