Living in Japan + Money in Canada?

Earning 5% on retirement savings in Canada.

What is the best way to access this money while living in Japan?

Credit card with no foreign exchange fee? Monthly bank transfer from Canada to Japan? Physical cash ($50,000) every 6 months?

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Living in Japan + Money in Canada?**

    Earning 5% on retirement savings in Canada.

    What is the best way to access this money while living in Japan?

    Credit card with no foreign exchange fee? Monthly bank transfer from Canada to Japan? Physical cash ($50,000) every 6 months?

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  2. Probably opening a Wise account.

    Keep in mind that once you start remitting money to Japan, you’re on the hook for taxes on it.

    Depending on the visa you will be under and/or how long you’ve been staying in the Country, this can open you up to being taxed on ALL income worldwide, even money not remitted to Japan.

  3. I’m using Sony Bank for moving money around and I have a Canadian American Express with no foreign transaction fees

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