Looking for feedback on my SoP Essay

Hi everyone!

Apologies in advance if there’s somewhere else I should be posting this.

I know this sub gets a bunch of similar posts all the time, but I am looking for any current/incoming JETs who would be interested in reading my SoP that I am drafting in preparation for the 2024 application season. If you have a few minutes to spare then send me a DM, I’d really appreciate it!

  1. If you send me a DM I can check it out.

    There are tons of local discord servers too that will have a more active pool of members to help too.

  2. Be careful having too many people review your SoP, if you incorporate their advice it can end up sounding really generic. I’d recommend just having one or two trusted people take a look once you’ve worked on it extensively instead.


    (I have a lot of experience editing application essays.)

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