Any recommendations for Translation courses?

tldr: What it says on the tin. In Tokyo or online.

More info tho : I will be moving back to the US sometime in the next 1-3 years, the timing is dependent on certain factors out my control, and looking at some houses on Zillow spiraled into freaking out about what the heck I’m supposed to do with my life back home.

As of typing, I have 2 1/2 years of JPN -> ENG translation experience as a full time translator doing ビデオゲーム関連 translations and a bit of QA. In addition I have done about 300,000 characters of free lance translations over the past two and a half years as well, mostly scenario with a bit of UI mixed in, but I’ve been working pretty much exclusively with the full time job for the last year without doing any freelance.

I’m panicking because looking at gaming and video game translation companies back home, a lot of them say they want 5 yrs. experience or a 4 year degree. I have neither, in the case I end up going back too soon. So I’m thinking I can take a shorter class and get a certificate and that might kind of round things out. 1.5 +.5 also equals 2, you know…

Doing some Googling, I know JVAT and a course at Temple University, but that’s about it. I’d love to hear any feedback about these programs or any others you think might be relevant.

Thank you and if you’re in Japan stay inside!! It’s either too hot or a goddamn typhoon out there so just don’t do it!!! The outside isn’t worth it I swear!

1 comment
  1. Just pad it out on your resume bro. They’re not gonna check. You’ve got a portfolio, which is more than 90% of applicants will have.

    If you can do the work they won’t care.

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