How long was the screening time for recent Japan PR results(accepted /rejected)?

It seems Japan Immigration Services now estimates to wait at least 10 months to 1 year from the day of PR application to get the notification(heard from an acquaintance) who applied in June/July 2023.

But for the people who recently received the notification ( June/July), when you submitted your application?

How to check updates for your application?
Is there any web portal?

  1. For august applicants, it takes at least 9 months. You can ask the staff at Immigration Office, but there is no online platform to check for updates.

    PR procedures are not included in the new Online Residence System. Everything is on paper.

  2. In October last year. A lawyer applied on behalf of me and they checked for updates with immigration.

  3. Last time I heard at the end of July, they haven’t touched applications made in last December yet. Newborns to PR holder parent(s) can use the fast lane though, which should take like a few weeks to a month.

  4. I was under the impression it varied depending on the office where you lodged the application. Is that not correct?

  5. Mine was about 5 months, then they requested additional documents and it was about 2 weeks after that

  6. Did it a few years ago and it was 9-12 months. Mine was pretty cut and dry, no issues, good savings and employment, full ten years, so there would not be much to check. This was in tokyo

    So I don’t think the complexity really affects it except if they need to get back to you for additional documentation

  7. Applied via the 1 year HSP after living here for 7 years last December and still nothing back. I missed some pension payments in my first 2 years here (ignorance) but never missed anything since. 125 points and otherwise a simple app. Applied myself. Hoping for a response within the next 1-2 months or so.

  8. November 2022 applicant and last time my lawyer checked with them in mid-July, they said they were processing it… I’m about to lose a job offer because of this🫠

  9. Early December applicant on a highly skilled professional visa and still waiting.. we contact our lawyer about once a month and still no news from the immigration bureau.

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