How to throw out 50 VERY old eggs

My dear sweet old grandma is in the beginning stages of dementia, and has forgotten that she has 50 eggs in the closet. These eggs have been there for at least 8 months, maybe even a year, or longer?? All of them are in cartons, unbroken.

How would I throw this out?

I know I should throw it out with the burnables items. I’m so worried about breaking these eggs and making the entire neighbourhood smell like rotten eggs. Or worse breaking them in the house. How would you go about this?

  1. Triple bag those eggs and throw them out on the very same day as garbage pick up, in fact try to time it to the very minute.

  2. I would buy some of those vacuum sealed clothing travel bags from Daiso, put them in there and then wrap two other bags around them before throwing them out on garbage day.

  3. If you have the space, freeze them?
    I freeze old eggs / any food garbage to avoid smells.

  4. Eggs have pourous shells and evaporate water. That’s one of the reasons people used to preserve eggs by immersion in water or coating with a light coat of petroleum jelly.

    After 8 months those eggs are probably completely dry. But if you wanted to be careful the suggestion by /u/umeshusawa to freeze them and take them out of the freezer just before throwing them away is the safest route.

  5. Ignore all the crazy comments about freezing or boiling the eggs.

    Just double bag it and throw it out normally. They’re not any different than normal food waste and will smell equally bad. If you’re really worried about the smell, tie it like you would a balloon so nothing escapes that bag.

  6. if possible, you could just get plastic bags and put a dozen of them in, and throw them away at a conbini lol.

  7. Just… throw them out. With the garbage.
    If you’re worried about the smell, just put it out as close as possible before the pickup.
    You can double bag them just to be sure.

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