2nd Hand gaming laptops

I plan on going to Akihabara next week during the holiday and I’m looking for a 2nd hand gaming laptop that I can also use for freelancing. I would like to know what specific shop/s should I go to?

Also, are there any reliable websites where I can browse so that I can have an idea of how much one would cost?

  1. Check kakaku.com. they have a 中古 (chuuko/used) section for laptops. Look which shops are listed there to get an idea. In Akihabara you got a lot of 2nd hand shops, with janpara and sofmap being the biggest chains with many shops imho.

  2. There’s tons of secondhand shops that sell good quality; be sure that you know what specs you want. By all means look up places online, but I found my gaming PC by randomly walking into a shop.

    Also, if there’s no specific reason otherwise, don’t rule out a desktop. They are usually lower cost for better performance, much easier to upgrade as you go, and cooling is a trivial issue compared to a laptop.

  3. One advice, don’t underestimate the power of good essentials. A good graphics card means nothing if everything else(camera, internet connection, screen) sucks.

    Speaking from experience for buying a “budget” gaming laptop :'(

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