Switching Language Schools

Hi, I’m wondering if anyone has any experience with switching language schools? I was given a two-year student visa (valid until October 2024) when I entered Japan, but I only paid upfront for one-year of school. I have the option to extend at my current school, but the remaining class options aren’t particularly appealing.


Is switching schools a difficult process? Or is it relatively straightforward given that I have a valid student visa?


Currently, I live in Tokyo. Ideally I’d love to go to a school that has classes in either translation or with more of a focus on outputting. If anyone has any recommendations or suggestions, I’d love to hear them. Thank you!

  1. A few students at my school switched and it doesn’t seem like it was particularly a hard or tedious process. If you’ve already paid the tuition for the next semester though it’s possible they won’t refund you though

  2. Usually immigration will not approve a change of school if it’s in the same area as your current school, you need to have a really good reason why you want to change. The moment you stop attending your current school, your status of residence will become invalid and you must leave the country within 2 weeks. Your SOR is tied to the school.

    At the same time, language schools do not want to be seen as poaching from other schools, so they will also reject transfer applications, unless, again, you have a really good reason.

    Your current school must also approve your application for transfer, and they are required to provide your new school with all your data, including the application form they used to get your visa in the first place, all of your grades, attendance records and depending on what country you’re from, all your financial details as well.

    TL:DR, it’s a pain in the ass for all parties involved, since unlike a work visa, the school is 100% on the hook for you.

    Source: was my job until January of this year.

  3. I’m currently looking at language schools so I can apply for a student visa. My home would be in the Kita-Akabane area. I’m beginner level. Any recommendations? I know it’s pretty basic asking but thank you for any advice or help.

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