Options for someone with law enforcement and counseling experience in japan

Random question but im interested in what feedback I’d receive on the matter. So I sat down and started to look at what I want to do with my life when I retire in 10 years ( I’ll be 44) and I’ve always had a dream of living in Japan so I am considering moving there for at least a few years.

Professionally I am currently a Parole Agent for my state here in the USA and I was a counselor in Juvenile corrections for almost 10 years. Will be finishing a degree in psychology by the time I retire. What job opportunities if any would someone with my skill set have in japan ?

Thanks in advance

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Options for someone with law enforcement and counseling experience in japan**

    Random question but im interested in what feedback I’d receive on the matter. So I sat down and started to look at what I want to do with my life when I retire in 10 years ( I’ll be 44) and I’ve always had a dream of living in Japan so I am considering moving there for at least a few years.

    Professionally I am currently a Parole Agent for my state here in the USA and I was a counselor in Juvenile corrections for almost 10 years. Will be finishing a degree in psychology by the time I retire. What job opportunities if any would someone with my skill set have in japan ?

    Thanks in advance

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  2. Sorry to burst your bubble but honestly, without any Japanese skills? Teaching English. Possibly factory work

  3. >What job opportunities if any would someone with my skill set have in japan ?

    Being blunt: English teaching. Or possible coding if you decide to switch from a Psych degree to something IT/CS related.

    Law enforcement jobs in Japan, like law enforcement jobs in most other countries, are restricted to citizens.

    Counselling isn’t restricted to citizens, but there are effectively zero opportunities. You should probably do some research into the state of mental health treatment in Japan. You should also search the subreddit, as we’ve discussed [counselling](https://www.reddit.com/r/movingtojapan/search/?q=counselling%20&restrict_sr=1) and [psychology](https://www.reddit.com/r/movingtojapan/search/?q=psychology&restrict_sr=1) quite a few times before.

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