How to make G133 a bajillion times better

How to make G133 a bajillion times better

  1. Rosser getting Tanga’s exact booking would’ve been great. Start out with revenge over KENTA, fall off a bit, beat Khan, then get a huge upset over Ospreay (but actually have him pin Will) and end his run with a valiant loss to Okada.

    Lawlor would’ve fit right into A Block. He had matches with Leo and Narita on Strong which I think are the best matches both guys have had. Feel like him against SANADA and Kiyomiya would be spectacular, and him and Gabe would’ve killed each other.

    What could’ve been.

  2. I can never understand the logic behind having Tanga loa in the G1. He is not a good singles guy and never has been. Tom Lawlor could have easily taken his spot and it would have been so much better.

  3. Tanga Loa prioritizing being able to play with his children over 5 star matches and catches hell for it. See this kind of thinking is what makes wrestling fans so easy to mock.

    I’m down to replace Chase with Tom tho.

  4. I will never understand the Chase Owens hate. He doesn’t have much in the character department but he’s a very solid worker who’s had a fine to good match with everyone in the tournament except Hikuleo this year. I don’t get it

  5. The fact Chase Owens has any kind of deal with New Japan is a crime in it’s self

  6. I’d rather see Fred in C block and Tom in D instead of doing a straight swap but beggars and choosers and whatnot.

  7. I’m happy that Tanga Loa is healthy enough to even be wrestling again. He seems like a nice guy, and it’s really cool that he, Tama and Hikuleo all got to do the G1 in the same year.

    But yeah, I hope we don’t see him in the G1 again next year. Maybe GoD could have a run with the 6 man titles though. That could be cool.

  8. Fred Rosser deserves a lot of recognition by NJPW but maybe he’s busy with being a trainer in Los Angeles’ New Japan Dojo.

  9. I’d love to say that someone’s gotta lose but Tanga Loa won 3 times. We don’t really need that.


    I feel like the field being this large is more of a “Where we’re going” vs “Where we are” type deal. The roster depth just keeps getting stronger and stronger and hopefully over time the roster works itself out. I love having 4 blocks so I hope the format stays

  10. I like Chase Owens. This tournament needed an established workhorse character like him to stabilize the whole thing with all that new energy and oldtimers struggling to keep up.

  11. How to make G1 33 a billion times better: stop complaining about literally the best G1 in years.

  12. Chase really has been the biggest let down. He’s put together solid tournaments and you keep thinking he’s going for that next level in BC, then he just shows up, looks the same and does the same. Gimme Filthy Tom all day over this shlub.

  13. I gotta ask, how come y’all don’t like Chase Owens? I don’t think he’s that bad. Or maybe I’m missing something?

  14. I think I’m crazy cause I quite like tanga loa this tournament but can totally see your point. I just thought it was a super solid performance and he got better as the tourney went on (bar the okada strikes)

  15. It’s wild that the man that looked like Cena’s twin now looks like Perry Saturn’s twin.

  16. I know, comedy and such, but based on wrestling alone, both Tanga Loa and Chase outperformed Toru Yano,so replacing him would raise the performance bar more than replacing T or Chase.

  17. Probably just me but I would’ve also added more AEW guys just so I can start to get my dad into NJPW

  18. The greatest mystery in the history of NJPW is how Chase Owens has had a job in this company for so long.

  19. Hey, Tanga Loa has had a good tournament. Those awful strikes notwithstanding, I liked his match with Okada.

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