Filed stolen bike, police seemed off

Hello, as the title says I had my bike stolen 2 days ago and today I filed a report to the police near me. Luckily I had it registered and also had the receipt.

I originally paid 32,000 yen for it and had it for three months. After heading to the station, they gave me a phone to a translator.

The first lady told me since I had it for a while I can get 30,000 yen reimbursed for it. Which I agreed to, and I know it was in good condition.

Then 39 mins later they called another guy, and said it is customary in Japan to reduce the price since I had It again. And they bring it down to 25,000. To which I told this person the first lady said it was gonna be 30,000. Then he told me to hand phone back over.

Then he said it is customary to half the price and I was going to get 17,000 yen for it. And I argued that I’ve been given 4 different answers. And I handed the phone back over, and he came back with the phone and asked me for a fingerprint. Which I denied, and the officers laughed when they talked to the translator again. At that point I signed the report for 17,000.

I feel like I was jipped or looked down upon because I’m a foreigner, and i don’t know what to do. Should I just go back to the bike store and cash this in ?

Edit; the bike is from don quijote, and it came with 1 year theft insurance fortunately. The paperwork with it said I must get a claim from the police. And I’ll get reimbursed back for it.

  1. Police has nothing to do with it. It really depends on what kind of insurance you have. I got my bike stolen 15 years
    ago, I got paid about 75%.

    Once you get paid by insurance company, the owner of bike will be insurance company.

  2. appraisal by the police of your stolen bike is to note the monetary amount of damages you have suffered by the perp. in the off chance they actually catch who stole your bike, they will tack on said price to the charge which also determines the level of punishment

    i got my bike stolen and was appraised 1/6 of actual value 💀

  3. This doesn’t make sense at all. Who exactly were you talking to on the phone? A translator?

    Is it up to the police to determine the value of something? Or was that just some trivial thing needed to be written on the report?

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