Tanga Loa: Back in the ring with Tama, near a year and a half, crazy… what a good n–*Savage Kidd curses in the background*

Tanga Loa: Back in the ring with Tama, near a year and a half, crazy… what a good n–*Savage Kidd curses in the background*

Tanga Loa: Back in the ring with Tama, near a year and a half, crazy… what a good n–*Savage Kidd curses in the background*
by u/Mr_Mister_4 in njpw

  1. FOCK YOU SUZIE!!! (I actually have no idea who he was saying FOCK YOU to, I just heard Suzie)

  2. Why did Suzie piss off Kidd?

    Oh wait, maybe Gabriel Kidd is issuing a challenge to Suzu Suzuki….

  3. The way you wrote “what a good n–“ had me very worried about what that n-word was going to be.

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