Do i need to do anything before moving back home?

As the title says, I’ve been in Japan for the past 5 months on a WHV and i’ll be moving back home at the end of August. I have not worked here so i have not paid into my pension, i’ve just deferred it, do i need to pay anything for it at all? I also have not paid for my health insurance so i’m assuming i’ll have to go do that somewhere? Is there anything else that i need to do other than getting rid of my stuff that i’m not bringing which i already know? Do i need to advise anyone? tell my ward office?

Thanks in advance!

1 comment
  1. Please go to your ward office; you have tons of things you need to do there before moving. The deadline varies by city; some places only let you do it a couple weeks in advance while others can do like a month before you actually move back to your home country. In either case you need to get all your taxes and health insurance stuff sorted before you leave.

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