ANKI-like SRS apps for use in school setting.

Is anyone out there using an Anki-like SRS app with their students? Our students (JHS/HS) have iPads but they are pretty well locked-down in terms of what apps they can get. In order to introduce a new app it has to be vetted and approved so I’m wondering if there is a platform that people are already using in other schools.

  1. Quizlet. It’s worth paying for the pro account so you can track which students have completed what, provide ad free for students and unlock a few more features. Quizlet live is a lot of fun for classroom activities too.

  2. Depending on how deep your school wants to get into using iPads for learning (and how much they are willing to have students pay), monoxer is basically an SRS app, although not just flashcards, there are also typing questions. I think a lot of the vocab books used in schools, and also graded eiken sets, are available … but they cost money.

  3. Anki has a website. No need to use the app. Also it is free and not 30$ that your students would need to pay for the IOS app.

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