General Discussion Thread – 08 August 2023

Mid-week discussion thread time! Feel free to talk about what’s on your mind, new experiences, recommendations, anything really.

  1. I’ve recently noticed my (mid 20s) girlfriend has been losing a lot of hair and it’s substantially thinner than it used to be. Has anyone experienced anything similar or have any idea what might be causing this?

    This is obviously a sensitive issue, so… Should I even bring it up to her? If so, how? I don’t want to hurt her feelings but if there’s something wrong and she doesn’t notice that seems bad too…

  2. I watched the clerk at Book-Off yesterday increasing the prices on every single used game on the shelves.

    Some to higher than new prices, for games you can still easily buy in stores like Smash Bros and Zelda on Switch.

    I hate this economy.

  3. I can’t stop thinking about getting a new job. I even had a dream about getting a WFH job.

    This can’t be healthy.

  4. u/blosphere u/tsian I decided to buy the supplies to install the LAN cables myself. I ended up looking up a couple blogs and was convinced, thanks for the nudge in that direction. Saved some green!

  5. Any recommendation for baby monitor camera?

    Would be better it can be viewed from anywhere easily without downloading apps (like ip address or something like that).

    We are expecting baby girl next month and setting up required accessories from now on.

    Since my family are not here , I would want to setup camera in which they can easily view the feed just by entering ip address (without downloading any apps).

  6. to whoever mentioned the famima-exclusive almond milk latte, thank you. it’s a new fave

  7. I think I need to start keeping my red wine in a cooler because for the first time, every bottle is tasting a little too acidic, likely because of the heat.

  8. My husband took paid leave the other day.

    The next day he goes into work to find out that the day he was gone the old man living next door to their company hung himself in his genkan with the door open. A lady walking by noticed, started screaming and my husband’s coworkers rushed over to hold his body while someone else cut him down.

    He was long gone. My husband said he was just a nice old guy who lived alone. They’d greet each other and chitchat a bit through the fence. I’m glad my husband didn’t see what had happened. It would have messed him up.

    I’m sorry the old guy took his life. I hope he’s at peace, at least.

  9. Maybe better suited for the complaint thread, but… My company is going to move to 3 days in office, 2 days wfh. Okay, fine, sure. 2 days wfh, I’ll take that. Except, Monday and Friday will be mandatory office days. I would have liked to have had at least one of those be wfh. Nope, can’t have nice things I suppose.

  10. I think it’s finally time to upgrade my PC. I’m using a GTX980 from 8 years ago among other parts that I upgraded 5 years ago.

    Building a PC is no problem for me as I’ve done it a few times before, so I am open to buying the parts individually or getting a pre-built. So what’s the deal now in Japan. Is it cheaper to buy pre-built or make it on your own? I know for a bit in the US it was cheaper to go pre-built. Anyone know the good sites to buy parts or pre-builts?

    Just from my little bit of research and what I’ve heard, parts are crazy expensive here. My budget is around 20万 to 30万.

  11. I can’t seem to get a handle on my sleep. I avoid screen time before bed. I go to bed at the same time. I haven’t had caffeine in three days. I still sleep 11-12 hours and have only 12-13 hours of a brain-foggy, sleepy day to “enjoy.” Sleep studies and doctors cannot find anything wrong 😑

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