What is the strangest thing you’ve ever seen in Japan?

Mine was at Takeshita-Dori, Harajuku a few years back. I saw a 70-something ojii, with full face makeup, a blonde wig, wearing a Sailor Moon dress with the skirt raised exposing his underwear. He was carrying a radio cassette playing some cassette tape of a song at full volume I didn’t recognize. Probably some 70s anime song. He went back and forth over the street, stopping when people took pictures.

I bleached my eyes after going back home but it didn’t work.

  1. Guy walking up and down inside the Yamanote line pulling a tawashi on a string like a pet dog or something. He was quite famous actually, I saw him several times.

  2. Went to take a leak in the karaoke men’s room, and as I walk in I see some dude washing his junk in the sink, red-faced and all-but-crying, as his mates are all doubled over with peals of laugher. I could make out the words “Tabasco” and “chin-chin” over the cacophony, and I thought to myself, “someone learned a valuable lesson today… the hard way”.

  3. An old woman sat on the table that’s facing mine at the restaurant at the station, she was pointing at the air and moving her fingers as if she’s counting, other times as if she’s playing the piano, she talks to herself and repeat that every like 3 mins, she stares at her table and wipe it non stop with tissues whilst saying something under her breath and then praying
    …she’d stop her meal to do these things again and pray. I knew something was up with her but I didn’t think it was intimidating enough for me to move away, and accidentally we met eyes and here I thought ok I might be intimidated by her so I remained calm until she hit me with “sumimasen..” and asked where I’m from? I said the first thing that came to mind, and she started laughing hysterically after. When I told my friend about this, she said” she could’ve been talking to spirits and they told her you lied ” .
    Don’t believe in such things, but that was a terrifying take

  4. Actually kind of similar to yours.

    Old guy, who looked like he was in his 70s.
    Long, Pai Mei style beard.
    Wearing serafuku in Kuzuha mall.

    Luckily, this guy wasn’t flashing his underwear, at least as far as I saw.

  5. A then-15-year old cassette album released in an edition of 50 only by an only marginally popular North American band (think live performances attended by 50 or so people) I like sitting on a shelf at a friend’s house. My friend’s husband, a ranking government official, had it for some reason. I had talked with the musician who had played on and recorded the cassette a decade or so earlier, and even that person did not have any copy.

    I have yet to meet the husband, but I was able to borrow and copy the cassette.

  6. Years ago there was this guy who rode the trains dressed up like a young girl in polka-dot dress with polka dot spots on his cheeks. This was pre-cosplay and I suspect these days it would not even glean second looks given the likes of Machiko Deluxe and others.

  7. That dude is quite famous, on TV fairly often, which is why people were stopping to take pictures.

  8. A 6ft 6 foreigner wearing a full suit and tie at the peak of Mt. Fuji. His slacks and shoes were filthy so if he changed up there, he’d still done a fair amount of walking. Madlad.

  9. I was at a really high end Chinese restaurant (this has nothing to do with the story except we were just there). It was me and 10 of my in-laws. So like I don’t get this but some places in Japan the restroom has a weird angle and you can see the people when they’re peeing. Well, this one had the urinal at an angle right in front of the door. So I’m eating my dumplings or whatever and the the door opens and this middle aged dude is just standing there holding his dick. It was very comical and I still don’t know if he knew that he could be seen or was just being a weirdo. But I just didn’t get why they designed that toilette the way they did.

  10. Is it just me or are we getting this post, or some variation of it, more than once a week now, usually posted in the dead of the night Japan time?

  11. My new gaijin-sized bicycle got stolen just two weeks after I got it, and I was scouring the streets looking for it when I ran across a friendly shacho that I knew. He invited me for a drink and the place turned out to be a hostess club.

    I was drinking bottle keep whiskey and beer and eating giant prawn after prawn cooked by the amused mama-san in her elegant kimono, and the strange thing I saw was another more elderly shacho singing a karaoke j-pop love duet with a twenty-something chappatsu hostess while a very incongruent video of full-on violent cockfighting with bouncing ball lyrics played on the giant TV.

    Then as my head was taking flight the shacho I was with put on a silver sparkling jacket that came from I know not where and proceeded to do a professional magic show with all kinds of magician’s props, bilingually even though I was the only foreigner.

    I really questioned the next morning what I had seen. That was 1994. I saw two or three more magic shows by him when sober, with cabinets and swords and flashes of fire. Just checked, the building with his name on it (Construction co.) is still there. I have to check on him.

  12. Every time I take my son to nursery I have to face a swarm of mums on high speed bicycles flying past me at 200 miles an hour as literal missiles. Not ‘weird’ in the funny sense but weird in a way that I low key risk my life every weekday morning. One went so fast this morning she took off, got some air and launched into the atmosphere.

    She’ll never suck teeth again 🙁

  13. A Japanese guy in Aeon coming down the escalator in full Nazi regalia complete with swastika armbands…

  14. Top Three

    1. In mid-morning, an old man lying on the sidewalk unconscious and bleeding badly from the head. This was directly in front of the entrance of a medical clinic, and people were also stepping around and almost over him to get in line at a bus stop right there. Old ladies inside the clinic were giggling every time the automatic doors opened, which was bizarre and upsetting. I finally insisted on getting a doctor from the clinic to come out and check on him since the man looked dead (almost olive green-gray face). Well, he was merely dead drunk, and he begged the paramedics not to let his wife know as they put in him the ambulance.
    2. As I walked with my then five-year old son on a hot summer evening, we passed a step-down apartment with the curtains fully open. I did a double-take when I noticed a young woman cooking bottom-less (wearing only a short t-shirt). I couldn’t believe my eyes, so after sitting my son down on a nearby bench, I went back to confirm. Yes. Cooking with only a t-shirt and slippers, standing in full view of anyone who might pass by. (No, I didn’t linger or pass by again, as much as my curiosity had been piqued.)
    3. About ten years ago going up high around Kyoto Station building, I was riding the escalators and just looking around, and I noticed a young couple in a far-away corner humping. The girl was sitting on his lap, and they were well into it. An older guy in a uniform was walking up the escalator to pass me, so I pointed over to the couple. He nodded and said nonchalantly, “Yeah, we see that a lot. Guess they can’t do that at home and don’t have the money for a hotel.”

  15. Walking home from numabukuro station (small residential area in Nakano ward) with my gf at the time having a full heat argument about something. I’m talking rapid fire venom spitting flamethrower type stuff.

    A bicycle is heading towards us but is aiming to go between us to pass (we definitely weren’t walking together that night) when I noticed something odd.

    A fucking CAPUCHIN was riding on the basket. Yes, ON the basket; absolutely fucking cruising. I stopped talking and just stared in bewilderment as it went by. Fucking capuchin. I said, “Did you see that?”.

    “See what?” she asked, trying to hide the fact that she too had witnessed the tiny South American cyclist.

    “The monkey!”

    And she tried her best to be angry but we both laughed our asses off.

    It was to this day one of the funniest things that’s ever happened to me. Probably considering the awful timing and all.

  16. I went for a drink to a hip-hop bar in Osaka, it was a nice place. I saw a 20 something white guy in Hawaiian shorts going around people screaming “yo yo yo nigga, shiiii, brap brap brap brap” this continues throughout the DJ is playing some old school hip hop and is very annoying. Mother fucker proceeds to take out an airgun and wave it around pointing it at people and yelling “pow pow braaaap brap”.

    I kept waiting for someone so tell him to fuck off, didn’t happen. Everyone just gave weird looks and avoided him. It was making my date uncomfortable so we left. I kept thinking if this idiot was anywhere else he might get killed.

  17. A father on the metro pushing a stroller with an infant wearing a T-shirt with written on “Porno Zone”. Jeez, I think 10 years are passed and he is still impressed in my mind.

  18. Everyone talking about Hideaki Kobayashi. He photographed me and had me on his webpage a long time ago before he was famous for wearing the Sailor-fuku.

  19. Far from the the strangest thing in this sub, but it gave me a chuckle: I was sitting on a train in Tokyo and saw a salary man absolutely sprinting to the train. He made it in just in time as the doors closed, sat down then frantically grabbed something from inside his bag. It was a carton of milk, which he hurriedly tore open, then began chugging it down so intensely he had milk running down his chin and onto his shirt. He drank the entire carton and sat there looking relieved but exhausted trying to catch his breath haha. Must’ve been the greatest drink of milk of his life!

  20. Saw that naked guy getting apprehended at the imperial palace moat 10+ years ago, the one that was in all the news media.

  21. 1. At about 6:30 AM in the dead middle of winter, a guy in a truck pulled over near my apartment, got out, dropped his pants, and dropped a full on grumper right on the curb in full view of morning commuters. I saw the whole event from my 4th floor apartment. I posted a pic of it happening in the complaint thread that week.

    2. In a Tokyo capsule hotel, I got up at around 3:30 AM for a pee. I walked into the bathroom and saw two very elderly men having a raucous make out session right next to the urinals. We’re talking 75+. I was too tired (and half drunk) to do anything, so I mustered a すみません to squeeze by them and do my business. They slid their session about a half meter to the left, I did my business, and went back to sleep. Part of me still thinks it was some bizarre dream.

    3. I was eating lunch at a restaurant in my local mall. After about 20 minutes, an old guy sitting near me got up and came over to me. He showed me a drawing he had been working on. The drawing was of me, except I had massive tits and a short schoolgirl skirt (in reality I’m a skinny white dude). He put the drawing down on the table, so I thought he was giving it to me. I awkwardly thanked him, and he quickly informed me he wasn’t giving me the picture, and that he planned to take it home.

  22. I’m sitting on the nice Azusa rapid express train departing rural Nagano for Tokyo. At a mid sized station, another rapid train rolls in, and the adjacent elderly lady sitting in the opposite train looks at me. She motions to her purse, as if to get my attention at what she’s going to show me. I think maybe a pen and paper for her to write something.

    Kid you not, she looks at me as she pulls out a dildo and starts licking it while staring at me.

    I shoot my head left and right, wondering if anyone else is witnessing this. There’s nobody. I exclaim out loud “I can’t believe it! Does nobody see this!?” And the trains start to move.

    The ~60s lady, her dildo in hand, ride off. And I’m stuck there with nobody to believe me.

  23. * A guy ran up to me, started singing the Spiderman song, and walked away still singing.

    * In a class of only 6 kids, sitting in a semi-circle, one boy put his hand in his pocket and masterbated, not silently either. None of them, Japanese teacher included, even glanced his way.

    * At an elementary school, a weird boy literally was in the closet all class. Every now and then I heard answers to questions I asked come out of the closet, so at least he was still participating in class.

  24. Went to a WBC game at the Tokyo Dome in 2009.

    Afterwards, walking back to the hotel, we passed a McDonalds
    and I could see working behind the counter was
    a very old (I’d say at least 70+) white guy.

    I’ve often wondered what sort of wild life trajectory he had

  25. I was having a “hangover breakfast” in a cafe. When I lifted my eyes from my plate, I saw a very slim woman in front of me ordering something at the counter. She was facing away, wearing the shortest skirt I had ever seen. At this point, it’s not a skirt anymore, it’s a belt. I was surprised because this woman was definitely older, probably in her sixties. Suddenly, my heart stops, my god, something is falling from her skirt!… the biggest pair of testicles I’ve ever seen.

    I have so many other stories, living in Osaka is wonderful.

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