English-Speaking House Maker in Kansai, Design Consultation?

Hi guys,

My wife and I are dabbling in buying land for a house, and I was curious if anybody had a recommended English-speaking house maker in the Kansai region?

On a slightly unrelated note, we’ve been drafting some layout designs using a free online program. We wanted to consult these designs with somebody to see if structure-wise and budget-wise we’re in the realistic ballpark. My impression is that house makers won’t get into that level of detail unless we’ve got land ready and we’re committed to contract. Is that wrong? We’re open to paying a consultation fee if it’s reasonable.

Thanks in advance for your input.

1 comment
  1. No recommendations for builders in Kansai, but on the rest of your message.

    You can draft those designs as a reference. If you plan for anything more than that, you’re going to have a bad time. Architecture, design, and layout are all incredibly complex and rely on thousands of small unseen details that you can’t even comprehend. This is coming from someone who did the same thing you did.

    It’s actually the opposite. If you are trying to build a custom house and aren’t paying cash, then you’re going to need a building plan to submit for your mortgage application. Most people actually buy the land first and then do this step, but its not 100% necessary (or recommended).

    I’d shop around for builders that you are interested in. Usually this can be done by design, reputation, price, materials, etc. Then you’ll let them know you’re looking at X piece of land. They will draft you a floor plan and quote (basic) to meet your specifications (size, price, etc.). You will apply for the mortgage with this document and then after you sign your official building contract you will have meetings with the architect/builders to change and finalize the layout.

    Most people build in some “wiggle” room in their quote, by including extra options, etc.

    It’s more complex than this tbh, but this is a basic outline.

    I’m not a real estate agent and this isn’t financial advice.

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