EVIL in the G1 if every opponent would have his stablemates at ringside

EVIL in the G1 if every opponent would have his stablemates at ringside

  1. More than anything else in the match, this annoyed me. LIJ have beef with EVIL, they know what his whole fucking deal is so why did they just leave Shingo out there to dry? And even when they did run out to make the save where the fuck was Naito? Was he just vibing in the back while his guy was getting fucked up by his arch nemesis?

    Edited for spelling

  2. There’s no ‘if’, face the failure losers, EVIL is the justice in ring

  3. I hate what they’ve done with EVIL. The guy was a pretty damn good brawler hoss who could just win on his own.

    Now he’s the most go away heat guy on the roster.

  4. EVIL is in kayfabe the smartest guy in New Japan, he’s the only one to constantly have his bros around him. Him and Sanada are the light side and dark side of the bros.

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