Company car taxation in Japan

Hello everyone,


new joiner on this sub but long time resident in Japan.

I am looking for some specific advice here, with people familiar with Japan Tax laws

I am currently negotiating the addition of a company car to my compensation package. I work for a foreigner company with a local contract and I am permanent resident if that makes any difference

Company is making some statement as follows and since it’s my 1st experience in Japan, I don’t want to get s\*\*\*d up obviously so I am adding my questions

l They try to encourage me to accept this car access to be treated as “private use” l I am planning to use the car for commuting to Office, visiting Customers and yes private use during weekends and holidays l What does the Japan Tax legislation say about such scenario? l Will the private use be treated as Taxable income or will the business use treated as such Taxable income? l If usage is taxable, how this has to be addressed in my Income Tax declaration? l Say concrete example, assuming the current value of the car is 5M JPY, how would that add up into the Tax declaration year on year of usage? I am guessing this could be related to % of use of the vehicle as well but then Business or Private use portion to be captured?

Thanks so much for any help

1 comment
  1. This sort of question is much better suited for /r/JapanFinance, but don’t ask for “specific advice” (forbidden), just ask for information to help your understanding of the tax implications of what your company is proposing.

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