Fukuoka this week?

I’m currently struggling with a decision about traveling to Fukuoka tomorrow (8/10). From a handful of weather apps and Japan Meteorological, it appears the current typhoon is going to miss most of Fukuoka while we’re there. However, the forecasts are still showing a decent amount of rain and wind. We’re mostly worried we’re going to get stuck as we’ve seen a few trains to Hakata get cancelled.

The only reason we haven’t already made the switch is that I was hoping to make a trip to Ukiha City (about 1hr east of Hakata) to see my grandmother’s abandoned childhood home and cemetery plot. That town seems clear of weather, but if we get stuck there, we’re in a really tough spot.

Logic says cancel and extend our stay in Osaka, but I’m really struggling with the emotional tie. My grandma meant the world to me, but I’d also hate to potentially ruin the rest of our vacation.

Should we skip Fukuoka in the hopes of a future (non-August) trip date? Or should we risk it?

Thank you for any thoughts in advance!!

  1. Quick update: looks like JR is cancelling train service through tomorrow morning. I think that makes the decision for me. Guess I’ll have to come back in the future.

  2. Thank you everyone. Admittedly, it’s a bit settling that JR effectively made the decision for me. If anything, we might take a (long) day trip if it all clears up.

    Thanks again!

  3. When I left Fukuoka I had to wait 2 hours in Hiroshima because of the severe rain, so it’s not just Fukuoka where you could get stopped

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