Has anyone experienced working at Hisaya International School in Nagoya? Can you tell me your experience with them. Thanks.

Has anyone experienced working at Hisaya International School in Nagoya? Can you tell me your experience with them. Thanks.

  1. Hisaya International is very much the vision of the owner of the school. He has his way of doing things. If you get along with him well, you will have a great time there. He rubs some people the wrong way though, so if that’s you, you will likely not enjoy your time there.

  2. Had to check their website.
    Gotta say. First job I’ve seen that has free Costco membership as a perk, lol.

  3. I work with a former employee of this company and they said the owner had a hair trigger temper and was extremely verbally abusive to the staff, especially the Japanese female staff.

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