2 days work refused to pay

Hey all.
I recently quit my job. I handed in notice but asked to leave early due to health reasons. One reason was excessive unexpected outdoor work in this heatwave was making me sick and noise levels were very loud inside the classroom I was having to wear earplugs. The place was full of power-harassment and kids were allowed to run amok, resulting in a crazy-making environment and injuries.

Anyway, the boss ignored my resignation and me in person for 2 days so I sent a revised email stating my last day was today. I was just so sick of it. I got a reply that they had been speaking with immigration to make sure I wasn’t going to lose my visa if I quit (typical scare tactics). So basically hoping to find somethung to threaten me with. But it was agreed I could leave.

Now, I didn’t tap in my work hours for the last 2 days for payment because the machine is located in classroom that’s almost always in sessions and so it’s easily avoided/forgotten.

I wanted to avoid going back like the plague so I decided to just put my hours worked in writing and send back property via registered mail.

I’ve since been told I won’t be paid because I didn’t tap in.

Do I let this one go as technically it’s my omission? Or can I go to the Labor Board? I have family in Japan who can help if needed. My Japanese friends seem to think it’s my responsibility as they would never leave without having covered their asses but in my country, since I’ve stated my hours in writing, I believed the legal burden was on the employer at the end of the day. I was there working those days, was seen present etc.

The today is 2 days work I would be unpaid. I hate the place so much I almost can’t be bothered. The boss sends very aggressive emails and is aggressive in person as well. It’s been quite an experience I don’t wish to repeat…

  1. Two days and I’m assuming it’s one of those low paying shitty jobs. Save yourself the bother and just be done with them.

    But let this be a lesson to you because a lot of these jobs are like this. If you’re planning to just hop off to the next shitty eikaiwa job then expect something similar in the future.

    Use this time to reflect on what you want to do and how to get there. If all you can do is eikaiwa work then you might be better off in your home country (you said you have family here but I’m assuming you’re not Japanese).

  2. Threaten them by telling them you will go to HelloWork. (provided you have proof of actually working)

  3. I’d just let it go. You didn’t clock in so it’s tough and time consuming/stressful to fight. Move on and find a better place to work

  4. Call the ministry of labour and tell them the situation. They have English speaking staff if needed. Should get it cleared up once they contact the employer. I’ve spoken to them in the past, would definitely recommend!

  5. Thank you for all the suggestions. I might ask one more time for my 2 days and talk to the Labour Bureau and Ministry of Labour for advice.

    I also need leaving documents from them because I have a job lined up in September.

  6. For 2 days I wouldn’t bother and just be done with it reading from what was posted. If you still want to make an attempt on getting the pay the labor bureau is your best bet, they helped me years ago in a similar situation.

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