Does anyone know what shark the sharkskin grater is made from

Does anyone know what shark the sharkskin grater is made from

  1. It seems there’s no *specific* single shark used (that I can find out at any rate), and it’s not always shark– the skin of rays (such as the manta) are also used. There’s also a faux sharkskin made from specific areas of horsehide.

  2. looked it up, angel sharks are the ideal sharks to use the skin from (best skin texture for grating). however, skin from bullhead sharks, fan rays, and guitarfish are used too.

  3. In japan it is made with shark skin.

    In fact, in the olden days, before creation of sand paper, shark skin was used to polish furniture.

  4. I don’t know why they would use shark skin given that it’s so silky smooth

  5. Lol. In india they use a rubbing stone with similar texture for grinding turmeric or almonds to be used as skin mask or in cooking 😄

  6. We don’t usually use shark but this one blew his paycheck on lottery tickets so we don’t really feel that bad for him.

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