Travel insurance for visit to another country

I can only find info on travel insurance for people coming to japan – I need to get insurance ce for my flight and accomodation etc for my trip *out* of Japan.

Any suggestions? Who do you use?

I don’t have a credit card so I can’t get the card based insurance.

  1. It’s a couple of years ago now so I don’t know if they’re still the cheapest but I used (underwriter is ジェイアイ傷害火災保険株式会社 I think).

    I ended up claiming for delayed luggage and they were super easy to deal with, actually got more money back than I’d spent in the first place.

  2. There are a few places at the airport where you can buy insurance.

    In the past I researched using kakaku and paid either using a debit card or at Family Mart.

  3. >I need to get insurance ce for my flight and accomodation etc for my trip *out* of Japan.

    And maybe most importantly, medical emergencies… your Japanese health insurance will only cover up to a certain amount overseas. And it’s very unlikely your destination country would give you free health care (even if it’s your country of nationality) considering you don’t reside there.

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