Severe headache clinics/meds

It’s been a couple of weeks since I started having “thunder” like headaches. At first, there were like 10-11 hrs interval, but since this weekend been having it more often.

I’m thinking of seeking medical attention if problem persists in the next few days, but my Japanese isn’t that good yet. Is there any medicine I could take (aside from Eve)?

  1. There’s headache clinic in Sendagaya – if you are in Tokyo:

    Tokyo Headache Clinic
    +81 3-3475-1120

    They speak passable English and have on-site MRI. My wife goes there with her migraine and they prescribed her medication that works.

  2. I had this kind of headaches for me it’s Eve Quick not the regular Eve or Ringl. And cold on my head. And lot of water.

  3. I take Loxonin (spelling?) for my bad headaches.

    Edit: Do you you clench your teeth a lot? If a headache clinic doesn’t help, I’d suggest going to a dentist too. I used to get nasty migraines fairly frequently, but they stopped almost entirely after i started using a mouth piece at night. Just a thought.

  4. There could be different triggers for headache or migraine. Contrary to common believe, migraines are not necessarily only one side of the head.
    Cold/heat, noise, light, allergies, sinusites, dehydration, tight hair style, fatigue etc, know your triggers and control your environment. Try to stay in dark quiet room and see if there’s improvement. Use hot/cold to alleviate the pain.

    If your symptoms persist consult with a doctor. You’re not supposed to take Eve, loxonin or other pain medication on daily basis for extended period of time. It’s not good for your liver and kidneys and you can build resistance.

    I recommend daidai clinic, a neurologist specialized in headaches and migraine. Doesn’t speak a lot of English but good doctor.

  5. My migraine triggers are hunger, and low barometric pressure, especially around typhoon season. I usually take Sedes, as soon as I feel it coming on.

    Try and look up pain clinics in your area. They can recommend a more specialized clinic if your headaches are indeed migraines:) Hope you feel better soon!!

  6. Try cold showers or putting your face in a bowl of cold/ice water.
    You can easy in to them from a hot shower first if thats more comfortable.
    Its a life changer

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