Resigning early after signing a contract for a part time job

Hey all, in the middle of July I signed a contract for a part time job in which the period I was hired for stated that the contract will end at the end of October. However I have to return back to my home country in about 3.5 weeks due to some family emergency stuff. I was wondering what the rules were regarding leaving before the contract end date. Am I allowed to hand in a resignation letter and just leave? Any help would be amazing thanks!

  1. I have no experience with this situation but a couple things to say.

    Firstly, if you have to go home for a family emergency, while it is good of you to be concerned about your contractual obligations, don’t let that stop you from going home for a family emergency, regardless of the repercussions.

    Secondly, I think unless they have given you something like a sign on bonus or a contract completion offered after you complete the term of the contract, you shouldn’t lose anything even if you do as you describe, other than visa sponsorship from that company. You may need to figure out your tax liabilities at some point, though, depending on your situation preceding this contract. You didn’t mention much about your history until now.

    Lastly, talk to your boss. If they are not a complete jerk, they should be understanding, especially if you offer proof without them asking for it that a real family emergency is the reason you need to leave. If they end up being a jerk and trying to threaten you with something, then I think you don’t need to worry about being overly diligent on your end either.

  2. While it’s a contract job, you aren’t necessarily required to always stay until the end of the contract. Discuss it with your employer, and ask for help if you don’t come to a reasonable agreement.

  3. What does it say in your contract regarding a notice period? If it doesn’t mention it then I’d assume the legal standard of 2 weeks notice is required.

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