Credit card cancelled/frozen before I even received it?

Has anyone ever had this happen to them?
I applied for a Rakuten credit card – most basic one with no annual fees – and the application went through with no issues. I received the card in the mail with all the proper documentation (credit limits, etc.) and registered it on the Rakuten site. The app/site both showed 利用不可 (unavailable) next to the card, which I assumed was because it was a new card that hadn’t been activated…however I could not find any means to activate the card on the site or within the documentation. I called the support line and asked how to activate the card, and they told me “this card cannot be used”. I asked why and they said “this card has become unusable, please destroy it”. Assumed it might just be someone being lazy on a Sunday so I called again to get a different support rep, same response. I asked why I was sent a card that was unusable from the start if the application was accepted with no issue, and they said they can’t give me any details. Same response on the online support chat, more of a boilerplate copy-paste saying “comprehensive examination results” blah blah “we have cancelled your card”. Do I just apply for a new card and assume this whole situation was just a system glitch that the individual support reps have no info about? Is this common with Rakuten and other card companies?

I have a full time job, better than average salary, and have been in Japan longer than 6 months.

  1. This happens. Apparently they will continue to run credit checks and have the power to cancel cards at will and there’s nothing you can do about it.

    I just had a card canceled on me cause I’m a student and my visa is slated for expire this year (despite it up for renewal). The card was only good for a year. They basically told me they ran a check and decided to not renew the card ahead of time.

    Talking to customer support will get you no where. They won’t transfer. They’ll repeat the same info until you give up.

  2. This things just happens. What happened is your preliminary screening went OK that’s why they sent you the card. But behind the scene there is a more in depth screening going on, taking account on all your risks. And unfortunately this did not pass, and you got cancelled.

    Not much you can do, front line staff will not tell you the reason because they simply don’t know and the company will never disclose it in fear of retaliation based on discrimination.

    You have to wait for 6 months till you can apply again because you will be flagged on the system. Sucks, but that’s the way it is.

    Source: I’ve been working with KYC (Know Your Customer) and anti fraud system in banking here. They all work the same.

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