Loads of scary bats near me

I wanna chill beside a river near me but it’s absolutely crowded with bats flying around which terrifies me.

Has anyone here experienced issues where a bat has accidentally flown into their face or anything like that?

  1. Bats are great! Don’t mess with them, and they won’t mess with you. I used to live close to rivers that either had bats nesting underneath or flying around at night to catch mosquitos. They never flew close enough for me to touch them, let alone into my face.

    And like, I wouldn’t touch them. They don’t want to be touched by non-bats. Think of them as your fussy touch-phobic friend. As long as you stay outside of arm’s reach of them, you can both enjoy each other’s awesome company and neither of you will make trouble for the other.

  2. Bats are super chill and nice. In the evening they used to come dive into my pool even if you were in it back when I had one for some water. Chances are they won’t fly into you. Even if they did it’s really a minor issue. Out of all the animals you could possibly encounter, a bat is one of the safest ones.

    That’s their space but if you’re worried which is a little irrational but I suppose people are allowed to be afraid of irrational things. We all have something we are irrationally afraid of. You can instead:

    A) chill at the river in the morning/afternoon and not evening. They mostly come out at dusk.

    B) don’t chill by the river and find a new place to chill. Opt to chill not in their habitat will surely work to avoid them.

  3. Bats are bros. Don’t believe the smear campaign of hurtful stereotypes television and movies have used against bats. They won’t fly into your face, Japan is a rabies free country and all they want to do is eat mosquitoes.

  4. They are more afraid of you than you are of them. And I m sure you can take them in a fist fight, no problem.

  5. Japanese bats are basically flappy fluffballs that eat mosquitoes and other flying pests. Some of the best neighbours you could have, right up there with house geckos.

  6. Last time someone got surrounded by bats became a vigilante hero, and use his fear of bats as a motivation for himself so?

  7. At the bat sanctuary I went to, they showed us how you can walk through the bat pen and the bats do not fly into you because they can tell where you are. And sorry, I love bats and I would love them to get too close but it has never happened because they fly super fast.

  8. I’m scared of them too, but they normally have an excellent sense of objects and humans and know how to avoid you.

  9. I’m dodging them nonstop whenever I go for a river run at night. Although they get close, the possibly of bugs flying in my mouth is more concerning.

  10. Never been hit by a bat. Stupid ass cicadas, on the other hand, are constantly crashing into my head.

  11. Bats are cute, I love watching them flutter around and gobble up bugs over the river!

    They are totally uninterested in people, and they’re more than smart enough to not fly into you. The closest they’ve ever gotten to me is like two or three meters above, and that was a rare moment when watching them for a while.

    If you want to see how adorable bats are, search for images of “cute bat eating fruit”. They’re so precious!

  12. I’ve had 3 baby bats sleep inside a fitted sheet that was hanging on my balcony to dry. My wife didn’t notice them until she brought the sheet inside to fold. That was a fun phone call.

  13. I am more worried about the dang cicadas running into me. Today, I already dodged three times. Also a swarm of dragonflies.

    I also had to dodge / almost got beamed by a crow once. It was so close to hitting me that I felt the wind of it’s wings. The creatures here are crazy!

    That said, I would be careful. People are saying they won’t bother you. I would still be careful, however.

  14. Idk sometimes I go into caves and there are many bats. they fly around and do bat things and they leave me alone.

    Stop being scared of the world. Bats aren’t out to get you. They’re more scared of you than you are them.

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