Recommendations for an English-speaking clinic in Tokyo/Kanagawa for treating staph infection?

See title

  1. Pretty much any major hospital. That being said call an ambulance and get to a hospital, a cautionary and surprisingly relevant and timely tale.

    I’m laying in a hospital room tonight. Yesterday I noticed there was red waxy skin around one of the incision sites from recent surgery. Looked like a bruise but was red so I took a picture as a reference in case it got worse and had a follow up appointment this morning.

    So this morning rolls around and I go upstairs for my shower and the red circle about the size of a 500yen coin is now bigger with a swollen center a good 1cm raised from my shoulder with a clearly visible absess under the skin. Okay good thing I have a doctor’s appointment. Not hot to the touch or anything.

    As I’m showering the absess bursts and begins draining. By shooting puss and goo like a water fountain our of my shoulder. I wish I was kidding. After way less time than it seemed I washed things off and began mopping up the blood and goo leaking out of the newly opened wound. Eventually I got it slowed down enough to get a bandage over it and we headed to the hospital early because holy fuck.

    2 hours later after having about 1/2 a liter of blood taken from both arms (above and below the infection to see if it had gotten into my blood stream) having the doctor express more nasty bloody goo out of the wound. A CT scan using some weird chemicals they shot me full of for better resolution. And a doctor very skillfully using an ultrasound to find the absess and drain more bloody chunky puss from it they cut my shoulder open and debrided and flushed the absess closest to the skin. They found what they suspect is the original absess on the bone where they did surgery on me 6 weeks ago. The doctors suspicion is the removal of the immobilizer and increase in movement caused the absess to rupture and it took the path of least resistance to the surface. Puss the doc pulled from the deep absess was fast tracked and sent to a specialist in infectious diseases to try to identify the bacteria. Yeah… You guessed it… Fortunately it doesn’t seem like MRSA just garden variety infected in a hospital staph. Should respond well to the 6 weeks of intravenous antibiotics (with hospital stay to boot) they’re suggesting.

    So in about 18 hours I’m having additional surgery. There’s a 50/50 chance they’re going to have to undo the repairs they did to the tendons in my shoulder because as the doctor put it you can live with an arm that doesn’t work right, this infection will kill you if we don’t take care of it.

    Ambulance, call now, make sure they know infection they’ll send you to a hospital that is competent in treating them.

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