化学 is usually pronounced as かがく but sometimes pronounced as ばけがく to distinguish from 科学. 私立 is usually pronounced as しりつ but sometimes pronounced as わたくしりつ to distinguish from 市立. What are some other examples of like these?

Comment for automod

  1. 天辺 is pronounced てっぺん (top; summit; apex; peak) and てんぺん (high in the sky; highest heaven).

    てっぺん is a “common word” according to Jisho. Perhaps the ん -> っ was to distinguish the two meanings. Or perhaps to distinguish from 転変 (mutation) or 天変 (natural calamity).

  2. Both 底本 (original text to be edited, revised, or translated) and 定本 (definitive edition of a text) are typically pronounced as ていほん, but some use そこほん for 底本 to resolve the ambiguity.

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