Can I reapply in the fall if I forfeit my short list position because of a family emergency?

I’m sad that I even have to ask this question. A major family emergency that may take a few months to resolve has popped up and I may need to forfeit my short list position.

The placement email said that anyone who forfeits can’t apply until fall 2024. Does this rule also apply to people who have to forfeit because of extreme circumstances? I’m beyond honoured to have been accepted to this program and I’m absolutely gutted that I might have to give my spot up. I’d love to reapply in the fall if I could but fall 2024 isn’t feasible for me.

I’m too scared to email my embassy right now so if appreciate any insights.

Peace and love 🙂

  1. That’s entirely up to the embassy, but they do allow for accommodations, like being allowed to apply the following year, if emergencies happen.

  2. Is it an emergency that might be resolved by the end of the year? You could ask if you could have your departure date pushed out, or maybe you could fly out and then return after a couple weeks?

  3. You should email them and explain the circumstances asap. You might be given the option to defer or sort out alternative arrangements. I always found the guy at the embassy to be accommodating and friendly.

  4. I hope whatever unfortunate situation has occurred unto you clears ups in the best possible manner.

    From personal experience, Although it may be gut-wrenching, the best thing to do is email the embassy and explain your situation and then query two things. First, **”What are my options for maintaining this position while I handle this unexpected and unfortunate event?”** and second, **”In the worst case scenario I have to forfeit my position what would be the consequences?”** If the embassy responds that you cannot reapply until 2024, then try to ask if that could be waved due to the unforeseen circumstances as well as the fact that you are reaching out to them in a professional and responsible manner about the situation instead of ghosting them or emailing at the last possible minute.

    Ultimately, keeping them in the loop and letting them know will create a better rapport between you and the embassy. I cannot promise anything, but if you maintain a professional attitude and keep your embassy aware, they will most likely negotiate with reasonable terms. In the absolute worst-case scenario, you get sidelined. However, there are a plethora of opportunities outside the JET program to come and experience Japan.

    Hopefully, this helps and I hope your situation eases up.

  5. From my understanding, yes this extends to all situations.

    If the email you received says that forfeiting will make you ineligible until fall 2024 then there’s no reason to think it would be different.

    Before covid CLAIR was extremely strict about this. And certain embassies had variations of the rules, usually more strict. I believe for UK applicants who forfeited after a certain time it was a life-long ban.

    Things may have changed to accommodate the pandemic but it’s also very likely that CLAIR is trying to go back to how things were pre-pandemic.

    Ask your embassy but it’s pretty unlikely that they will be able to make personal accommodations.

  6. Where are you from? You are banned from the next cycle if you are from the UK. They are also buttwipes at giving a straight answer so best of luck.

  7. It depends on the circumstances. If it’s for an unavoidable and reasonable reason they may simply be willing to delay your departure and let you go into next year’s intake automatically. But that’s an exceptional circumstance and is entirely up to their discretion.

    There’s little reason to worry about that though. Shit happens and you gotta do what you gotta do. Just be aware that the sooner you contact them about it and explain the reasoning better your chances are they’ll throw you a bone.

  8. Definitely email your embassy and explain the situation 🙂 Some JETs come to Japan in April instead of August, and it won’t be the first time CLAIR will be dealing with this type of request since the programme’s been running for 30+ years.

  9. If you think you can resolve the issue within a few months, I’d explain it to your embassy/consulate and ask for a delayed departure on compassionate grounds. Depending on the exact circumstances, CLAIR might be willing to let you fly out late. At this stage, if you did drop out, they might not be able to upgrade an Alternate to fly out in time for Tokyo Orientation anyway, so it may be easier on their end to keep you on as a late arrival.

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