China to lift ban on group tours to Japan

China to lift ban on group tours to Japan

  1. The current unbearable hordes of tourists in Kyoto or Hakone are nothing compared to what awaits…

  2. I read a news recently that ANA estimates Japan now has 3% more tourists than that of 2019 during the same period (so pre-COVID summer). I can’t imagine what would happen if Chinese tourists are back to their full capacity.

  3. RIP my peaceful weekends.

    though hopefully tourism recovery helps with the strengthening of yen


    It’s not worth it for Japan even if it’s a bit more money.
    Mainland tour groups are the fucking worst among group tours.

  5. I remember years ago when a Chinese tourist shoved me out of a line and another horde of Chinese tourists came in to do the same to the point I was no longer in the line… this was back when I was still in the US and oh boy… they were a pain in the ass. They did whatever they wanted, however they wanted, and trust me… the unspeakable things I wanted to do to them, because their level of rude is just… fucked up.

  6. Just came back from Tokyo and 3 days at the end of my trip were completely overrun with Chinese tourists. Like, in Akiba and Asakusa it was hard to even find Japanese people. Not that I had any particularly bad experiences with them, but things were crowded before they showed up and just became unbearable after. Hard to blame china for that when it is all tourism, but the chinese far far far outweighed everyone else

  7. i went during march and saw plenty of chinese groups, and that was when there was a ban in place?!

  8. Oh yes. The Chinese tourists from the mainland. Most beloved tourists around the world lol

  9. I didnt know there was a ban, I was just stranded in Okinawa for both rounds of this typhoon with so many Chinese tourists. It was so annoying there are signs everywhere in Chinese and these folks cant seem to follow them.

  10. tbf to the Chinese, I think their manners seem to have improved significantly compared with 2008 but as Japanese and I assume lots of other foreign residents here share the same sentiment: please, I beg you.
    PLEASE fuck off outta way on train doors.

    If you can, stand AWAY from the train doors.

    And this applies to ALL visiters coming to Japan and even a good portion of clueless Japanese themselves.

    Regardless of your nationalities, you’re all like a bunch of plaques on arteries blocking the flow of people.

    And don’t bunch up on narrow alleyways. You’re again, blocking the flow of people.

    I don’t care if you stuck chopsticks in rice bowls or spit in my food or fucking whatever, just get the fuck out of the way. PLEASE.

    People have places to go. I, as a dead-eyed overworked salaryman have places to go.

    You’re a millimeter away from being a non-迷惑外人 or you know what, being an honorary 日本人.

    I’d be honored to give you all non-plaque people the honorary 日本人 title.

    Just go over that millimeter it’s not that hard.

    Or to me you’re nothing but another obstruct. I will push you aside with the precision never been seen on this earth. Mark my fucking words.

    Nothing makes me want to turn into a 無敵人間 and commit a mass-stabbing than a bunch of plaque people.

  11. I feel Japan is getting a bit of a taste of its own medicine. Back in the 80’s and 90’s Japanese tourists used to clog up Europe and ignore all the local etiquette.

    Anecdotally, I remember an Italian waiter complaining/joking to us in Rome circa 1992 because we were surrounded by a tour group of Japanese who were all slurping their soup and pasta.

    I am no fan of crowds of tourists but arguably at least they bring some vitality. I really enjoyed the travel ban and emptiness at the start, but after a while Tokyo was completely dead and getting pretty depressing.

  12. Well, so much for enjoying shopping districts without families camped in front of shops having picnics.

  13. Yeah too many tourists in one place can suck and be unpleasant. But let’s not forget these are people and this may be their first time traveling overseas. They just want to have a good time also. Over time as more get exposure to travel more will learn local etiquette. Plus their money helps the Japanese economy. We have no right to tell them where they can or cannot travel.

  14. Everyone better get your geek on at Akihabara asap before they clean those shelves out like locusts and shops put up more “No gaijin” signs lolol.

  15. I didn’t know about this… I went to japan last month and saw a lot of Chinese .. I can’t imagine there being more now though

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