Japan to start Fukushima water release within weeks – report | Fukushima

Japan to start Fukushima water release within weeks – report | Fukushima


  1. They refer to it as ALPS water to appease the masses. I think ALPS stands for automated liquid purification system or something. There was a TV commercial recently that showed that the amount of radiation in the water was less than the equivalent to one person’s exposure to natural radiation over the course of a year. In astericks they notes that the sample person spent 500 hours in direct sunlight in their example. love how they think the general masses are so easily fooled.

  2. Good. I’m tired of all the unreasonable naysayers. Let’s do this and have them bring their own testing equipment and prove themselves wrong

  3. They should truck the water all over the country. That way the contamination level would be so spread out that no one could legitimately complain. Fukushima has already been shafted enough.

  4. I love when people with literally zero scientific background question the work of some of the most knowledgeable scientists working in one of the most regulated industries on the planet.

    Truly amazing

  5. People missing the point that they have already treated the water and all the super harmful stuff has already been taken out of it.

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