Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (August 10, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. 3 questions

    a) 寛ぐ or 寛げる? is it interchangeable here?


    b) unsure of the meaning of 際の in this sentence

    c) what does the ため here mean? (if you can point out where in the translation)


    translation attempt:

    Stocks with high trading volume attracts a lot of attention…

    so it is easy to grasp the characteristics of stable price movements in charts and trading?

  2. Still learning pronouns and directionals and decided to ask: あなたが好きな花はどれですか。

  3. Can 飲む by itself imply the drinking of alcohol, like in English? For example, could 今日は飲まない mean today I won’t drink (alcohol), or does it need to be 今日はお酒を飲まない with alcohol explicitly stated?

  4. Hello everyone!

    What textbook would you recommend for my current skill level, and what I have completed:
    -I have been learning Japanese with Duolingo and Anki, and recently started using Bunpro. I am on Section 3 of Duolingo, and I know around 2000 words. I am also on the N4 grammar section of Bunpro.
    -I took a small placement test with Busuu and it says that I am at the A2/N4 level.
    -I feel like I can understand most of the material on Duolingo/Bunpro with little difficulty. I usually finish each Duolingo lesson in 3 to 5 minutes.
    -I have gone through all the conjugations for verbs and adjectives with the Genki conjugation app.
    -My reading comprehension, listening, grammar, vocabulary, and speaking are average. I definitely know the basics, and I feel that I understand easy/intermediate content. I think my overall skills are around early-intermediate. Would this be N4?
    -I definitely think that my reading skills and grammar skills can improve.

    I don’t think it would make sense to go through the entire Genki 1 book, even if I have it. I used it mostly for vocabulary and grammar. I was thinking about either Genki 2 or Tobira, and also use Satori Reader and Bunpro.

    My goal is to understand and read/watch anime/manga.

    What are your recommendations?

    Thank you in advance!

  5. Question about a sentence, and particularly what the main subject is. From a passage describing 居酒屋 features and previous sentences were comparing them to regular restaurants.


    Is the sentence basically just 点も異なる ? As in “This point is also different”, and the whole ビールやワインの他に、日本酒やチューハイなどいろいろなお酒が注文できる is just a phrase describing the 点 ?

    I feel like that makes sense, but the sentences I’m coming up against are just longer and more dense than I’m used to so wanted to make sure I’m parsing out the sentences right.

  6. Im spending 2 hours just to get anki done for the day with 20 new words and I feel like I’m doing something wrong. I have a tendency to keep pressing again until it’s in my head which is probably the issue.

  7. Why does 向く get used with を even though it’s intransitive?


    Feels really weird, even though it seems to be correct

  8. 〜によると and 〜によれば are acceptable for the meaning “according to”, but the form 〜によったら for this meaning never made it into modern Japanese, right?

  9. > 寮って規則ばっかでさ
    > 何買うのも申請がいるんだ

    The first line is saying something like “dorms are just a bunch of rules,” right? ばっか here is figurative, not literal? I feel like ばっか is one of those things where I’m always relying on context.

  10. Reading a Manga, same word is sometimes written in kanji / kanji+hiragana / pure hiragana /katakana. Same Manga and most of the time even the same character.


  11. Not a question, but I just learned (from Duolingo of all places !) that “fly / zipper” can be written 社会の窓 and I’m just happy.

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