Weekly Complaint Thread – 10 August 2023

It’s the weekly complaint thread! Time to get anything off your chest that’s been bugging you or pissing you off.

Remain civil and be nice to other commenters (even try to help).

* No politics
* No complaints about users of JapanLife

  1. The current Nihon University American football team drug “scandal” is still at the top of the news.

    A student, basically a kid, was caught with traces of drugs. This has turned into a giant scandal with the entire team was suspended indefinitely. Dozens of police officers in suits came to arrest the guy, and there was footage of men covered in PPE searching the entire dorm, even the roof.

    This guy’s life is basically over now. His name and face are all over the news. For the rest of his life, he will face discrimination and probably have to change his name.

    All that over a little experimentation with drugs as a university student.

  2. I rarely drink but I had 4 small cans of beer last night. I think I might have a slight hangover today plus I basically have to skip a meal to make up for all the calories. Why can’t there be a 0 calorie, no hangover solution to this problem?

  3. Bought a ps3 guitar hero controller on mercari and it came reeking of stale cigarette smoke and covered in some sticky gunk. Messaged the seller and he was like, oh yeah, it was lying uncovered in my smoking room for years. Fuck. Absolutely disgusting. Now I have to throw it out. Don’t want to deal with returning it.

    Also why is it so hard to find a used ps3 gh controller? It wasn’t popular here?

  4. Soz I’m about to go off because I just got off a phone call at work with Customs.

    (Disclaimer: I am currently job searching to get out of this useless mega black company that my “friend” who is the Director offered me)

    Working in Automobile Manufacturing handling supply chain purchasing, forwarding and inventory. Started 4 and a half months ago and in a department by myself pretty much self taught everything so that was already a yikes, but it was really good for my Japanese learning and I went from barely being able to speak to holding business meetings and phone calls/mails and using 敬語 etc… I thought I could handle this for at least a year before switching but when my coworkers who have worked for 30 years+ are thinking of jumping ship because our new President is a PoS, yeah it is time to get the fuck out.

    Anyway, just then, handling a customs clearance case as always but this one is a bit special. It requires proper explanation of a product I haven’t handled before so the first thing I would do is go ask someone who is in charge of the product no? Fuck no because he doesn’t know shit. No one in this company knows anything (sorry one person does but he is too nice and got sent to an isolated area). I’ve used google-fu and chatgpt 4.0 to help me research this shit and it has gotten me pretty far but this time they are asking for our company catalogue (don’t have) blueprints (don’t have) and I researched all the H.S Codes for what these products could be but yeah, not enough.

    Apologies for the rant, I feel a lot better already.
    In these very long few months, I’ve made a lot of good connections during the job so hopefully the future road from here will be easier.

  5. I watched 5 episodes of Salvation on Netflix and I want that time of my life back. I just stopped after the Russians stole some tech. Jesus Christ can’t they be original for once? After watching five or so episodes I decided to just look up what happened because it just kept more and more ridiculous and of course it was canceled. It apparently just gets worse and worse as it goes on so I’m glad I stopped where I did, but damn I’m so irritated.

  6. Had a job interview recently and got a bad vibe.

    The interviewer was a manager who I presume will be working under. Without saying too much, the manager kept talking shit about his department and his teammates. To be fair, it might’ve been his way of humor but man I dunno how I’d feel if my manager talked shit about me to a potential new employee. Gave off a jerky micromanager vibe. But the position does pay well so maybe it’s one con I should overlook if I do manage to get to the offer stage.

  7. Hanyu Yuzuru got married.

    I mean the only Japanese guy whom I had a crush on got married.

  8. Yodobashi Camera now carries the Steam Deck, and their Steam Deck has way better demo games on it than the ones at Edion.

    Played for 20 minutes with various games last night, not only do my wrists hurt from holding such a massive device, it made me want the significantly more expensive Asus ROG Ally even more… except that thing is huge too.

    They stopped carrying the Ayaneo Air, so I can’t compare with that anymore…

    Oh, and Anbernic decided to launch the RG405M officially in Japan, at a price of 49,990 yen. What the fuck? They’re literally $150 on their official site, *which ships to Japan!!*

    Woe is me, a broke gamer who just wants one device that can do it all, living in Japan.

  9. How can Yokohama be next to the goddamn sea and STILL be hotter than my inland prefecture?

  10. Every now and then I take the family out for some car trip. I can never get over the lack of thought and logic when it comes to the roads, highways, expressways etc. They are disorganized and were “designed” by a chaotic evil mindset. I use the term “designed” loosely because feel like someone just rolled dice to determine their layout.
    On a positive note, I should be thankful I’m not driving on them during this Obon.

  11. * have been letting myself go this week – not exercising like i planned, not sleeping well

  12. My complaint is that last week and this week, the number of complaints is far far below the average for this thread. I miss the days of 1,000+ complaints a week. I’d be even happy to accept 500 or 600. But 150? 250? Barely a distraction. Not nearly interesting or satisfying enough.

    Is everyone happy now? I thought the summer heat would make everyone grumpy? Grump people, grump!

  13. I hate indecisive employers/admin people who needs multiple interviews from a single person for one certain position. I understand if they are comparing golden candidates. However, in my case, I had lay my weaknesses out in the open from the start. No tatemae. Feel free to reject me instantly. It was a complete waste of my time (and not just that one hour). Just because I am unemployed doesn’t mean I don’t have other things to do.

    …And they basically just asked the same questions. Sure the interviewers were different but this is Japan for crying out loud. Whatever happened to 報連相?I didn’t just had to relieve my miserable employment history once. I had to do it twice. I was fighting not to cry by the second interview.

    Sometimes, I can’t help but think that some of these HR people just want gossip. I just remembered a company that won’t sponsor a status change but still called me for an interview. …Last time I checked, there are already news articles for Southeast Asian people taken advantage of for Labor. Go fucking read that instead.

  14. Going thru some training at a new company and the trainer has been so slow for the past few weeks. Suddenly they’ve realised they only have 2 days left to finish all the training so now they are going thru the hardest section at light speed.

  15. I’ve been having vertigo for a month.

    At the beginning of July, the otolith in my left ear either broke into pieces or got displaced it whatever, and I got a serious vertigo. It was like switching on a vinyl player. Went to hospital and got treated right away, but apparently it takes a long time to fully recover. It’s like my brain is behind a thick fog all the time, and I get motion sickness wherever I move around.

    I just hope this thing won’t be permanent.

  16. YouTube premium price increased 😑
    Even after paying the premium the channels shamelessly advertise for a good 2 minutes in many videos making it feel like the premium cost is a total con.

    Also what is the point for free YouTube music if as soon as you leave the app the song stops playing?

    Amazon prime membership price increased😑
    For annual a whopping 1000yen.

  17. Went to an event, had to line for like 2 hours and got terrible sunburn, especially in the arms so now I have to use long sleeves. Not showing any signs of healing yet too.

  18. I received an email from the HUGE group, which includes many well known restaurants such as Rigoletto, apologizing because their servers were hacked and all the customer personal information was downloaded. Great, thanks for not protecting your servers properly.

    This is why websites shouldn’t ask for any personal information unless they really need it, as is so typical of Japanese websites.

  19. Working on a project for more than one year, it’s could be done easily if we have good project management. But suddenly the company decided that we should finish it within three days… 90% of my time only working on it this week.

    I don’t know how to describe it I just forced to work overtime with super urgent task with no sense.

  20. On holiday in the UK and the public transport is hilariously bad. Local and national. If there’s not a problem with the service then there’s a passenger doing something annoying. And you pay through the nose for the privilege.
    I’m seriously considering cancelling any more travel for the remainder. On the bright side, the supermarkets are miles better than Japan IMO.

  21. Tourists who don’t learn train etiquette. Had a huge family with a stroller wait infront of the doors and no one could get off the train. Wait at the sides and let people off please. If you’re lost, move off to the side in busy areas. Your luggage does not get the seat next to you. Nor does it get a corner if you’re sitting in the middle of the row.

    This month has just been flooded with 空気読めない tourists and im just over-complaining. But please, learn a little japanese public transportation etiquette before traveling here

  22. I hate so much that Nitori has gotten rid of all the cashiers and now there’s only self-checkouts. It’s a huge pain if you’re buying a bunch of things as there’s hardly any space, and on top of that you need an employee to scan their badge for something constantly.

    At least have one cashier for those who want to use it!

  23. What’s with all the hate on Saya Hiyama… she’s cute and I like watching her… she’s not even an idol so the dating rule shouldn’t apply

  24. The superstition and pseudo-science that everyone here believes, man. Drives me in-fucking-sane.

  25. Did somebody forward my travel plans to the fucking typhoons? The first just rocked through this school I’m at in Korea (and just barely missed delaying my boat back), now it looks like the next is going to hit Kanto on the day we have to fly to the US and A. I’m pretty nervous because we have a different reservation to get to Tokyo and if *that* one gets canceled we’re kinda fucked.

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