Student visa extension

Good evening everybody!
I have a question I can’t really find an answer to, maybe someone has experience and can help.
It’s my 7th year in Japan, right now I’m on a student visa, just finished 4 years in university here, got an N1 and an internship. My school work is done, my student visa runs until November this year. The problem is my internship: my boss asked me if I can stay longer than November, however, I am unsure on what kind of visa that would even be possible.. do “they” (my company) have to take me aboard as an employee and give me a work visa or are there other ways for me to stay and work, even if it’s just for an additional 3-4 months. I looked into 就活ビザ but as I’m not looking for another job, I don’t think that really applies to me.

Any hint or experience would be greatly appreciated, I wish you all a nice Obon and hope the Taifun leaves you alone x

  1. If you’re getting paid for this internship then they’d need to sponsor you for a proper status of residence related to the job.

    If you’re not getting paid for this internship then you should be able to get them to sponsor you for a cultural activities status.

  2. Assuming it’s the same rules as studying at a language school, as soon as you graduate, you can no longer work until you get a new visa.

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