Have Job Offer but stuggling to choose Visa Category

So the past 2 years I’ve been working for my japanese friend’s tourism company in NYC, and now he wants me to go to work in Japan for his other company he has there (which I also really want to do). I am his only American employee, and it’s a very small company that has been very successful in NYC. Because this is his first time facilitating a visa, we are having trouble finding a visa i qualify for.


Bachelors degree in Marketing and Event Management

5 (could stretch to 6 or 7) years of management experience in hospitality

Probably at N4 level of Japanese although I’ve nver tested

Likely will be making around 5 million yen salary first year there

My role with his company is basically doing all the things a native english speaker could handle, considering our target market for the japanese company are american tourists interested in traveling to japan. I’ve done all of our web-design, written all the copy, produced ample marking material, etc.

Lmk if anybody has any input!! I’ve had trouble finding material for a situation like this.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Have Job Offer but stuggling to choose Visa Category**

    So the past 2 years I’ve been working for my japanese friend’s tourism company in NYC, and now he wants me to go to work in Japan for his other company he has there (which I also really want to do). I am his only American employee, and it’s a very small company that has been very successful in NYC. Because this is his first time facilitating a visa, we are having trouble finding a visa i qualify for.


    Bachelors degree in Marketing and Event Management

    5 (could stretch to 6 or 7) years of management experience in hospitality

    Probably at N4 level of Japanese although I’ve nver tested

    Likely will be making around 5 million yen salary first year there

    My role with his company is basically doing all the things a native english speaker could handle, considering our target market for the japanese company are american tourists interested in traveling to japan. I’ve done all of our web-design, written all the copy, produced ample marking material, etc.

    Lmk if anybody has any input!! I’ve had trouble finding material for a situation like this.

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  2. >Because this is his first time facilitating a visa, we are having trouble finding a visa i qualify for.

    I’ve said it [before](https://www.reddit.com/r/movingtojapan/comments/15lep42/what_visa/), and I’ll keep saying it every time this sort of question comes up:

    *If your employer isn’t comfortable with the visa process they need to hire a professional.*

    Lawyers aren’t expensive. Fixing the problems caused by DIYing it is potentially *super* expensive.

    Hire an immigration attorney. Follow their advice. Problems solved.

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