Student CoE Full-Time Offer

Hello, I am a software engineer in the states and initially my plan was to enter Japan on a student visa for language school and look into switching visa status to a work visa somewhere down the line as I improve in my language abilities.

I am awaiting a decision to be made for my CoE but actually have an interview with a company that is willing to sponsor a work visa. If I am able to land the job will that be an issue? Yes I have a bachelor’s degree and about 7 years experience for more clarity.


  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Student CoE Full-Time Offer**

    Hello, I am a software engineer in the states and initially my plan was to enter Japan on a student visa for language school and look into switching visa status to a work visa somewhere down the line as I improve in my language abilities.

    I am awaiting a decision to be made for my CoE but actually have an interview with a company that is willing to sponsor a work visa. If I am able to land the job will that be an issue? Yes I have a bachelor’s degree and about 7 years experience for more clarity.


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  2. If your purpose for entering Japan changes *before* you enter Japan you’ll need to return your initial CoE and reapply for one relevant to your new job. You can’t just transfer a CoE to a new sponsor/visa class.

    And because I’m sure someone will drop in and say “just enter on your student visa and then quit school”: That is a ***terrible*** idea. If you try to switch immediately after entering Japan immigration will assume (correctly) that you misrepresented your student visa application, which could end up with you being deported.

  3. If you get the job before you come to Japan then you should withdraw your current CoE/visa applications and start over with the work related one. You cannot have two concurrent applications pending, and if you’re not planning on attending the school anymore the CoE for attending that school would no longer be applicable.

    If you get the job after you’ve entered Japan then you’d need to get some paperwork from the school to show that you’ve formally withdrawn from classes and immigration would also likely ask for a bit of an explanation from you as to why you’re leaving your classes so quickly (and without having completed the program). It doesn’t have to be an exhaustive essay, but it will go on your file with them.

  4. You can only have one valid entry permit. If you get the CoE and then get the job, you’ll have to make the decision to cancel the student CoE and have your company get you a work CoE.

    It can be a bit of a gamble. If the job falls through or the work permit is denied, you could then be left with nothing. On the other hand, having a job will definitely make life easier than being a student, in my opinion.

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