Pros and Cons of working for a US based company in Japan

People who previously or currently work for a foreign based company with no Japanese branch, how was/is it? Pros and cons?

I’m thinking about switching jobs, but I’m worried about things like conversation rates, job retention, health care, pension, etc. Please let me know how your experiences have been, how you liked it, would you do it again.

  1. For me the pros are the salary and exchange rate, work culture, vacation.

    Cons: slightly more challenging taxes

    Really it’s by far the best way to make a good long term living in Japan imo

  2. High risk, (sometimes) high reward. I’ve seen some people make out like bandits and others whose career got pushed down a notch. Personally I wouldn’t do it unless I was set financially or wanted to bet the farm.

  3. I did this for years. Pros – better pay, US Dollars, all online. Cons – taxes (needed to hire a tax professional here), and working from 10pm to 6am M-Sat

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