How much is dental cleaning?

It will be my first time to visit the dentist. Is the payment for cleaning covered by my health insurance or just reduced? If reduced, how many percent?

  1. Not covered fully, but 70% as is standard. It’s quite cheap but they’ll probably take an x-ray the first time. Again, nothing that’s going to break the bank. The only (major) complaint I have, is that they make you come back again. Once to clean the top and once for the bottom teeth. Not sure if this is just a strategy to extract more money. Next time I go, I’m telling them to do top and bottom at the same time or I’ll find another dentist.

  2. 70% reduced similarly to other doctor visits. But they didn’t clean mine on the first visit. They told me if I want to use health insurance, the first visit would be for dental check up. It took me 3 visits in total.

  3. I got everything done in one go. First time including X-ray was under 5k. And I want to say second time cleaning only was around 3-4K?

  4. 2-3k after reduction, and yes the first visit will probably involve an x-ray.

    I heard a lot of places do top down separately. I also had one dentist who wanted to redo my filling in two visits (remove the old one first and leave a gaping hole for a week before closing it). I think that’s BS because my current dentist can do everything in one go no problem with insurance.

  5. I did it a couple weeks ago and the dentist did everything in one go ( like other mentioned, it’s usually at least 2 sessions).
    Price was 2000.

  6. first time might be a bit more expensive but between 2000-3000, usually they might take pictures and xray or whatever so its a bit more expensive. 30/70 covered

  7. 2 visits for 4000 at my usual dentist. He takes 2*30mn to a make a very good cleaning.
    I saw another one who just went with the machine once and the brush once (10mn) and took me 2800 for this, so be careful where you go.

  8. Like all medical, you only pay 30% of procedures/components that are covered.

    In my experience, the absolutely, completely covered, bare minimum, cleaning is a little less than 2,000 yen. However, most places do some non-covered procedures so “cheap” goes up to about 3,500 yen. Some places insist on additional non-convered procedures and can run up to 10,000 for their “regular” cleaning.

    First visit will run and additional 2,000-3,000 yen for X-rays and such.

  9. Normal cleaning 2-3k. The deep one take 5 appointments and cost like 1k per once. But I had only one clinic that suggested that to me. They clean by hands under the

  10. A few thousand.. I’ve always had it done one time .. never been twice for a cleaning..

  11. I used to be under the impression that dental wasn’t covered by national insurance, but it is. Or mine was. It was, like, 3000 yen? I’ve also heard that dentists will split up a cleaning into multiple visits – my dentist didn’t do that, but they did try to upsell me on monthly cleanings. Which isn’t a *bad* idea, just not completely necessary.

    As someone mentioned downthread, they did take an x-ray, but I guess it was just a routine “let’s see what we’re dealin’ with here” kinda thing. I guess without the x-ray it would’ve cost much less.

  12. Didn’t go for dental cleaning, but did a root canal surgery recently. Paid only 2300+yen for 2 xrays and the initial surgery. The last 2 visits costed less than 2kyen which is shockingly cheap considering root canal surgery is usually expensive.

  13. 3,000-4,000 yen as others are saying. Avoid the dentists that want to do it in multiple sessions though. They’re scamming you.

  14. I went recently and had the x ray done, a cleaning, and also a fluoride treatment (optional) and it was around ¥4,000

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