I want to do some voluntary work somewhere on the weekends so that I can interact with the locals and also help out a charity or something similar. Anyone ever done volunteer work here? I live in Nagoya.
not a nagoya resident, though in Tokyo we have similar activities. also check city hall, they usually have volunteering vacancies
I did at an English kindergarten. Was fun
At my town community centers there’s always posters on the walls that’s where I find volunteer opportunities
I work in a division of the municipal government called 生涯学習係 (lifelong learning division) and we always need volunteers for our events. I’m sure there is something similar where you live. You’d be able to interact with people in your area and since it’s educational you might even learn something ☺️
Old folks homes often look for people to engage with the residents. You can often find ads for this at town halls.
Might be silly with your free time go to your city hall and ask about getting an allotment. This year I did this and my wife moaned coz I did more gardening then housework hahaha
Are you a member of Jichikai?
If yes, talk to your Jichikai-cho and ask if any Natsumatsuri (many Jichikais organize summer festival within their residential area) scheduled soon, and tell Jichikai-cho that you want to help the setting up or cooking Yakisoba in Yatai.
This is the easiest way to get to know your neighbors, you should have free beers and if you have kids, they will surely love to help anything.
community cleanup [https://www.greenbird.jp/team/nagoya](https://www.greenbird.jp/team/nagoya)
soup kitchens [https://voloasis.jimdofree.com/](https://voloasis.jimdofree.com/)
not a nagoya resident, though in Tokyo we have similar activities. also check city hall, they usually have volunteering vacancies
I did at an English kindergarten. Was fun
At my town community centers there’s always posters on the walls that’s where I find volunteer opportunities
I work in a division of the municipal government called 生涯学習係 (lifelong learning division) and we always need volunteers for our events. I’m sure there is something similar where you live. You’d be able to interact with people in your area and since it’s educational you might even learn something ☺️
Old folks homes often look for people to engage with the residents. You can often find ads for this at town halls.
Might be silly with your free time go to your city hall and ask about getting an allotment. This year I did this and my wife moaned coz I did more gardening then housework hahaha
Are you a member of Jichikai?
If yes, talk to your Jichikai-cho and ask if any Natsumatsuri (many Jichikais organize summer festival within their residential area) scheduled soon, and tell Jichikai-cho that you want to help the setting up or cooking Yakisoba in Yatai.
This is the easiest way to get to know your neighbors, you should have free beers and if you have kids, they will surely love to help anything.