How can I sit seiza longer?

I find seiza very comfortable, but only for about 20 minutes. Then my feet fall asleep. I’ve been practicing 1-2 times a day for about a year but I can’t seem to get past 20 minutes.

I’m reasonably fit, similar in size to most Japanese women (small for an American), and in my 40s.

Would welcome any ideas! Thanks!

  1. I never could master it and finally gave up. Even a lot of Japanese people can’t handle it these days.

  2. When I did kyudo we had to sit in seiza for upwards of an hour or so during training and tournaments. The trick I found was to regularly tense and release your leg and feet muscles from the very start of seiza. Even use micromotions if you can do so without it being noticeable. This allows greater blood flow and prevents your feet falling asleep for a lot longer.

    And yes, just lots and lots of practice. Do seiza everywhere and eventually it’ll become second nature. You’ll eventually be able to do it for hours.

  3. I try and keep myself out of any situation were seiza is required. Did way too much when I was younger. One trick is too put your weight more on your upper legs, rear and back. This requires muscle. Ankle flexibility also helps. Once—stupid martial arts dojo—did it for two-some hours. At the end, the sensei said, “Nobody try and stand up. Just roll over on your side and wait for the blood to start flowing.” Cut offing blood circulation is just plain dumb.

  4. I am not sure if I understood this paper correctly, but it seems the limit for seiza and numbness in the legs is about 17 minutes ([](

    Traditionally in Ogasawara Ryu, you’re not supposed to let your butt on your heels (I have been told that you should be able to move a sheet of paper between them). So you need to maintain some tension in the thighs.

    In tea ceremony, some people use small folding stools that hold you just above your knees. I have also been told to have the big toes overlap to help with numbness. Personally, I only use tension in the legs to lift myself up for some time.

  5. This will happen in most places if you don’t order anything. Just get the doria and you can probably sit there for hours.

  6. I’ve been slowly getting into Buddhism. I’m not a exemplary human nor student by any means but, the fact that there’s no need to put yourself thru pain for meditation is smth I’ve heard from many diff monastic and other admirable noble accomplished sources. Seiza doesn’t have to be the only sitting style meditation. Even sitting doesn’t have to be your only type of meditation practice. Even “meditation” could be different entirely from typical, but maybe you already know—idk.

    Depending on location, I like a style of seiza but modified. Where I use multiple cushions under my butt instead of butt on feet. Can handle pain much longer. But as I sed above about pain….

    FWIW Even if you’re not Buddhist you could get a lot of great advice on sitting and other forms of meditation on the Buddhist sub.

    Wish you the best. 🙏🏻

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