Language of medical certificate for stimulant import?

Hi all, long time lurker, first time poster.

We are leaving for Japan for three weeks in October. We are coming from Quebec, Canada, which is a primarily French-speaking region.

I have ADHD and take medication (Vyvanse). I have gotten my medical certificate to use for legally importing my meds into Japan.

However…my doctor speaks French. Hence my certificate is in French. This is one thing I honestly did not think about until now. It was a work of labor to get them to write me this certificate and I dread having to call again to ask for one in English.

Will my certificate’s language be an issue? I understand I can translate the content in the email I’ll send, but will whoever investigates my request think my translation is reliable?

This whole process has been making me extremely anxious considering how unhelpful the healthcare system is here. I’d really appreciate some help. Thanks!

  1. Based on their requirements, the doctor’s certificate ***must*** be **Japanese or English**.

    This is lifted directly from the Japanese version of the MHLW Narcotics Control Department, whose requirements supersede any requirements mentioned on any non-Japanese version of the site.



    >③医師の診断書 1通(日本語又は英語)

    Basically, the first line says “Doctor’s Medical Certificate – 1 Document – Japanese OR English.”

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