Why does NOVA require for a “dummy” independent contractor SIGNED for the COE?

I’m applying for a position at NOVA (I am aware of their reputation), but I’ve come across a peculiar requirement. They ask applicants to have a “dummy” independent contractor signed in order to apply for the COE (Certificate of Eligibility). Although I prefer a permanent employment status, they claim that after applying with the “dummy contract,” I can later choose the contract type I desire. I can’t help but wonder why they are asking for a “dummy” contract. I’m a bit concerned that they might use this “dummy” contract as my official decision, considering it has already been signed. I appreciate any insights you might have on this matter. Thank you in advance.

  1. They are going to bait and switch. Pretty common in the service jobs that masquerade as education.

  2. Tell them that you’d be happy to sign a “dummy”
    Permanent employment contract.

  3. The contract is a requirement for your COE since you have to have an employment offer to get it issued. The “dummy” contract is because they offer 2 types of contracts and don’t want you to think about it before you arrive. They offered my group an employee contract and an independent contract on our first training day. Basically:

    – Employee; they’d handle your taxes but it paid less and you’d have to work different locations whenever they wanted you to… also no bonuses

    – IC; you got paid better rates, yearly bonuses available, fixed location, but you had to deal with filing your own taxes

    Either one, you still have to deal with your own pension since they weasel out of paying it for you. You basically just need to decide if you wanna try and deal with Japanese taxes yourself and if you are willing to let them push you around different locations or not.

  4. Health care and pension are provided. The law said Nova has to pay it so it’s taken from your salary.

    If you are planning to stay in Japan for a year and then leave the independent contract is good. However if you want to jump ship to a better school after you arrive the employee contract is better. It’s written in law now that most schools have to provide the better health insurance and pension. What Nova starts will carry over to another school.

  5. It’s not a bait and switch. They need a contract for the government to accept you have a job. On your first day of training they ask you which one you want then they give you a new one to sign, the one you ask for. I’m on the employee one now

  6. Like others have commented, proof of an employment offer is part of having your COE/Visa processed and approved.

    You can always double-check with them prior to departure and make sure the Employee Contract is still on the table. It is, they offer you either one when you arrive for training.

    Don’t take the Independent Contractor option. They pay you slightly more, but it let’s them charge you fees for using their equipment and facilities, removes any guarantee for paid hours, and they don’t have to pay towards your Healthcare and such services.

    Employee Contract is the best option, even if the pay is slightly worse.

    They *want* you to take the Independent Contractor option since it saves them money and makes you more beholden to them. Which is why they push it so hard. Just clarify with them that you’re gonna take the Employee contract.

  7. You can and should sign the employment contract when you arrive. The dummy contract is just for the COE.

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