I just got fired for applying to other companies.

I work for one for one of those ALT dispatch companies, and I was looking for better opportunities and applied to a couple of other companies. Somehow, my current company found out and are trying to terminate my contract. They want me to send me a letter of resignation. What are my options ?

  1. Don’t send one. Don’t sign anything that says you resign. Continue to work. Make them fire you. Collect unemployment while you search for a better job.

  2. Did they send you an email? If so, take it to your local labor bureau.

    They would love to talk about this with you.

  3. Just deny it, they have no evidence. Even if they get your resume just say it’s fraud. 100% just deny it and act dumb no matter how obvious it is.

  4. The company that’s being a bitch to you wants you to do something?



    Make it difficult to get in touch with you on the phone (my phone is broken) so they have to get in touch with you by email.

  5. They’re stuck with you til the end of the contract. A non-competition clause probably isn’t enforceable for an ALT teacher. Hopefully you find something though, since they probably won’t be renewing your contract

  6. “YOU’RE FIRED!!! You hear me!!? FIRED!! F-I-R-E-D FIRED!!!!……………now would you kindly mind handing in your notice of resignation please? Thanks!”


  7. Even if you have a non-compete clause, which typically isn’t even enforceable, it wouldn’t cover applying to other jobs. There’s nothing lawful they could have put in your contract that would allow them to force you to resign for this. Attempting to restrict what work you do or apply to outside of the scope of your employment with them is a violation of the constitutional right to work, they would be forced to fire you for some other reason or let you work your contract out.

  8. I never understand how these companies think (or more likely don’t) that the law of the land doesn’t apply to them. There are very specific things that they could be “upset” about but nothing that would involve you having to “resign”.

    In your current circumstances, as mentioned by everyone else, don’t sign anything and ensure everything is done in writing / e-mail. Don’t resign, don’t agree to anything and remember most contractual obligations are just bullshit.

    Once you’ve secured other employment it is “nice” of you to mention that to them and give them notice of such, especially if you’ll be leaving before the end of the contract. However the contract end date is just that and you can take your holiday up to that point and just leave if you so wish.

  9. If you applied to a company through Gaijinpot, that company can see when you’re last online, updated your profile, etc. even after they hire you. My previous company tried to get me that way. Don’t give in. Make a new profile on job hunting websites if you think this is what happened to you, too.

  10. If you let them fire you, they have to pay you an extra months salary , also you can claim unemployment benefits for day 1.
    If you quit voluntarily, you get no money. And have to wait 3 months for benefits .
    Get fired – easy and fun ! Take the piss, dont show up for work , call their bluff, be a compete cunt 🙂

  11. So you’re not fired until you quit?

    Yep, sounds like you still have a job. Call them out on their bullshit.

  12. Do not quit under any circumstances. They love to try to bully people into resigning because it unfortunately works sometimes. They can’t fire you for simply job hunting, it’s a ridiculous premise and unless they’re really dumb they won’t actually terminate you, if you don’t resign they’ll just let you run out your contract and then you can move on

  13. Same as everyone else has said here. Do not sign anything. They haven’t a snowball’s chance in hell of successfully firing you for this, you’re good until at least the end of your contract.

  14. My son went to the labor board in kashiwazaki. He got divorced and his MIL contacted his employers as she has pull. They all terminated him but one was dumb enough to put the reason in email “ change in your marriage “. It didn’t go well for that lady. . The labor board stood up for him. He had to take a friend that spoke Japanese to help him.

  15. Does your company have a union? If so, join. Companies can only restrict outside work in a very, very limited number of cases (basically you have to be a CEO), and they have no right to restrict any type of job search. The right to choose work (and, by extension, look for it) is protected by the Japanese constitution.

  16. Step one: laugh at them and tell them to fire you.

    Step two: make sure they give you the “notice of dismissal” and demand they pay out the rest of your contract, or else you plan to file a case of illegal dismissal with the labor bureau (this threat may or may not work, but it will be fun to see their faces).

    Step three: if they fire you, go to Hello Work and apply for unemployment, then enjoy your (tiny) umployment payments while looking for a new job


    Step three: they won’t fire you, so continue looking for a new job. When you find one, give them your notice.

  17. > Somehow, my current company found out and are trying to terminate my contract. They want me to send a letter of resignation.

    If they were firing you, they wouldn’t need a letter of resignation. You didn’t get fired, you got found out and your company is attempting to bully you into quitting so that they don’t have to deal with the process and ramifications of firing you nor pay you a severance package/unemployment or do anything that a Japanese company is required to do when they fire someone who they are legally employing.

    For all its other issues, Japan’s employment protection laws are pretty darn good. Don’t give them anything they ask for or submit to whatever dire threats and/or vicious bullying they may subject you to – make them actually fire you if they want to get rid of you. Refuse to speak to them over voice unless you’re recording it (recording is one-party-consent in Japan), get every little thing they say in writing so you can use it against them in the future. If you know your rights and the correct processes for employee termination and can call them out their bullshit, they’ll either give up or you’ll get out safely and get a good deal out of it. And don’t stop looking for your new job.

  18. This is in direct violation of The Constitution of Japan, Article 22.

    Don’t sign anything. Get down to the labour board, and tell them exactly what happened.

    You could even join the General Union, or something.

    You should probably report this black company to immigration too. There’s no telling what other kinds of extremely illegal practices they’ve been perpetrating.

  19. I am currently in this hell hole. A current dispatch company in Tokyo that starts with b and rhymes link. I had to go to the hospital for a couple weeks so I couldn’t work. Obviously. I was “fired” from my school for being unreliable, but not the dispatch company.

    I’m still “employed” but zero pay since April. They sent me an email when I complained about them. They sent me a new contract and a bill for health insurance.

    After my complaining they thanked me for my resignation. Which I responded I DID NOT RESIGN. It was a much longer email more well said than this.

    So what am I doing about it? Going to hello work tomorrow. The hospital the next day and trying to break out of my f***ing cycle. My rents late my water and electric are going to be turned off and I’m f***ed.

    Suprislingly the hospital I go to helped me do all my bills. They even scheduled my appointment at hello work. Now I don’t recommend my path to everyone but when you hit rock bottom…

    And a “why don’t you just go home” statement. I love Japan even with it’s flaws. I’ll struggle through my junk as hard as I can until I can’t. It’s been 5 years I can make it some more.

    Vent over.

  20. Why would they want to get rid of you if you are already trying to leave? What am I missing?

  21. What is ALT? You should’ve applied for another companies without your company knowing. What would you think of yourself if you were the boss or owner of your company you’re working now? I think that’s the answer.

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