Triggered an alarm, now what?

I was trying to go to a post office today to use the atm and pay a bill. Normally it would have been open but I didn’t see that it’s closed on holidays and I honestly I didn’t know mountain day was an actual holiday. The door to the atm wasn’t locked and when I opened the door the alarm triggered. I waited for a policeman, he understood it was a mistake and wrote down my name before he let me off. He didn’t really explain, but what usually happens in cases like this, will I get a fine for wasting public resources or get this on my record ?

  1. Well if he had any suspicions you were trying to break in you would have been arrested on the spot, so you can safely assume you’re fine. Did he just take your name? Or check your residence card for more? If it’s just the former I wouldn’t worry at all. Slim chance you may get a visit at your address if they want to ask anything more.

  2. Mine was specifically open for the ATM today. They shouldn’t have set the alarm in the first place.

  3. If they don’t want you to go in they should have locked the door. There are also security cameras around and it should be easy to see if you were just casually opening the door or forcing your way in.

    I don’t think you need to worry much about this.

  4. Assumedly he took your name just in case somethings comes up: the Post Office notice something broken, missing, aloof etc. Then they would know who to contact to follow up the claim.

    I already got my name taken by police just for drinking with friends at a park, and I assume if we did too much noise / wasted the place they would have followed up, which they didn’t.

    So my guess is you will be fine.

  5. If the police let you go, there’s nothing to worry about. Taking your name and details just incase isn’t Japan specific.

    The post office are the one’s in the wrong. They should have locked the doors. You didn’t run away, you just opened a door.

    Someone’s in a lot of trouble, but it isn’t you.

  6. They should fine the banks for not opening ATM machines 24 hours a day 7 days a week

    That’s the only crime here sir

  7. >will I get a fine for wasting public resources

    Your only crime is for using Japan post as your bank

  8. I think you’re fine, makes sense he would take down your name. And I haaaate Japanese cops, but thia seems sensible.

  9. Were you using a crossbar to open the door? If not, this their fault and I would probably complain to them for the inconvenience they caused you for not properly locking the premises.

  10. The police seem to take your information regardless of what happens or even what role you played in a situation.

    One time I was helping a Japanese dude who’s car had broken down on the mountain road, we we waiting for the tow truck staying warm in my car (wintertime) and happened police to pass by so they stopped to check up. Obviously no crimes were committed and I was just being a good samaritan, but they took both of our information, told us to be safe, and were on their way.

    So you’re probably fine. It seems to be protocol to get a copy of information.

  11. You better hope someone doesn’t actually try to break in and steal shit from now and when it opens.

    You’re suspect number 1

  12. Is there a chance the person that same wasn’t actually the police and a security guard like ALSOK? Those guys tend to be the first responders to alarms getting tripped. If it was a security guard, there’s 0% chance this will ever come back to you, no worries.

  13. You’re ok, I’ve been stopped by the police many times, once because my neighbor called them on me. If you had done something wrong they would have arrested you and/or issued a fine there and then.

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