what doctor to go to for male parts?

Hi –
my husband has been suffering from itchy male parts(his balls) for years and only now he starts being open to go to the doctor after years of me pestering him to go to one. we just want ask what kind of doctor do he have to go to ?

I was diagnosed with clymidia in 2019 and he didn’t get himself checked

and bacterial vaginosis during my pregnancies

he used to just self medicate by putting on lotion he just says its dry skin all the time but wouldn’t it be great for him not to worry about putting lotion and be healed

  1. Since it’s external, if you haven’t already you could just ask a pharmacist, while they are also likely to suggest seeing a doctor, they will probably have a suggestion on what to use in the interim.

    There are a fairly wide variety of creams and lotions available for those areas.

  2. Go to hifuka first, he probably has jock itch or similar fungal infection which will be cured by one tube of cream in 2 days. LOLing at him suffering itchy balls every day for years because real men don’t do doctors.

  3. I’ve been to a few hifuka that were totally useless. If they don’t know what it is right away go somewhere else. Don’t let them just try things out. I literally had one doctor say “I haven’t got a clue what this is”. I went to an older doctor and he fixed the issue in 10 seconds.

  4. When he showers tell him to apply fairly hot (not scalding, of course) water to his balls. Should cause an intense itching sensation. 我慢 through that shit and after he gets out, have him apply lotion.

  5. Ho what the fuck, you do know you could have been just back and forth chlamydia right?

    It might be his back. I’m not even kidding about that.

  6. > I was diagnosed with clymidia in 2019 and he didn’t get himself checked

    Uhhh….. Something doesn’t add up here.

  7. I had chlamydia too! I didn’t know where to go so I told my mom it hurts when I pee and she told me to go to a 泌尿外科 cuz she thought it was a UTI. I went and it wasn’t. It was chlamydia. She asked and I had to tell her. She told me I should let my girlfriend know. So I had to tell my very Japanese mother that I do not have a girlfriend and that I didn’t know who gave it to me

  8. It could be skin fungus, treatable with over the counter antifungal creams. Check if there’s any color differences.

  9. Dermatologist. This is very common issue that Dermatologists see so shouldnt be ashamed of anything.

  10. It’s probably jock itch. Fairly common problem if you stand outside naked in the sun for like a day it will dry up on its own and not come back.

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